Deucifer the Sixth

Have you not seen the Iron Man movies?

…punished for killing a planet worth of people tho.

Can't lie, I used to hate Cisco at the beginning, but I've grown accustomed to and even like the character now.

Krieger works perfectly in small doses tho.

He lost his dick cause he was drinking too much. Happens to the best of us.

I prefered Land's art over the guys they got doing it right now. The best artist the book had tho was Valerio Schiti, but alas he's moving on to bigger things.

Yeah, easily. Just don't watch new Family Guy or talk about it…

Wait do you think that Superman is weak to magic the way he is to kryptonite? Cause that's not how it works, magic just effects him like it would anyone else, he's not especially vulnerable to it. So "magically sharp weapons" wouldn't hurt Superman anymore than a scientifically sharp weapon would, unless the the

It did finish tho.

What magic does Wonder Woman have that would hurt Superman? I mean Superman isn't weak to the general idea of magic like he is to kryptonite after all, and Wonder Woman isn't spell casting witch or anything.

Then the system is working.

I think if you can't miss a single episode, you do in fact like that show.

She's nothing like Felicity. Aside from both being good at computers, I guess.

They can still draw from that material if they want to. They're just not nailed down to anything.

Nah. I didn't think it was terrible, but reading the review and comments I didn't feel like its way overrated.

She was definitely turned on, take in that she faked throwing whatever she thought Malory was looking for down the toilet so Malory'd keep choking her.

It kinda did tho. Cheryl lied about flushing whatever she thought Mallory was looking for down the toilet so she'd keep choking her.

I think Marvel actually only has one 2.99 title now and that's Ms. Marvel.

Didn't Kitty join the X-Men when she was like 13 or 14? Given the compressed time in comics 24 or 25 seems about right.