Deucifer the Sixth

I dunno I liked the stuff about females, seemed pretty well thought out and a good analysis about the movie.

I was fine with Ronan but Malekith was way too boring and nondescript for me. It might be because overall Guardians was a way more fun and enjoyable movie that it's easier to forgive its shortcomings over Thor 2's.

George Lucas didn't write or direct Empire Strikes Back aka the best Star Wars movie so far.

DC has some Amethyst shorts on their YouTube if you're interested.

Fair enough. But I was personally excited for Thor, especially for the visuals for Asgard and all of that. Ant-Man's doing nothing for me, but at least its responsible for the great new Ant-Man comic that just came out, so there's that.

She's barely been in any comics outside her own. She showed up for 2 issues of Amazing Spider-Man and now this. IMO that doesn't really constitute being spread too thin.

Seriously… was this trailer exciting for you? Just seemed so average and kinda dull actually.

This looks really… average. Might be the first Marvel Studios movie I'm not gonna bother to see in theaters.

Kinda funny comparison since Thunderbolt Ross got turned into a Hulk himself a few years ago.

A homage is not that confusing.

That's not something to remotely be proud of.

We get it man, we all watched Futurama.

What a pointless article.

I actually think Gil is the funniest "fat sidekick" all these new sitcoms seem to be using, but overall he's actually not that funny.

What movie are you even talking about? If it's Green Lantern, that movie wasn't gorey at all. Matter of fact none of DC's superhero movies have been all that gory, unless you're talking about the animated stuff.

Issue 5 was the last issue…

They've more than just mentioned him at this point.

In Batman's case it was never meant to be permanent.

That's not why its funny….

"This show stuck with me in a way I was not expecting when I first watched it. Anyone else have this experience?"