Mike was like “Good gracious, pasta so tasteless”
Mike was like “Good gracious, pasta so tasteless”
Arms are hot, other stuff is cold. Obviously.
Shit. Hipsterception.
Some of last year’s hipsters have moved on to trying to make serious points in the Deadspin comments section.
Contemporary sociologists trace the origin of the phrase “alternate facts” back to the 2015, the year that the Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers became the first team in NFL history to go undefeated.
Not sure if the editorial staff is aware, but perhaps out of respect you should blur out the body in the bottom right of the photo?
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
Is this sports?
I can't get the video to work, and I don't know these guys by their names. Will someone tell me what color they are so I can form my opinion?
So Lochte basically told the Cartman version of the story
When it comes to chugging beer thrown at/to you from the crowd, nothing will ever, EVER top this.
I’ve been playing the long game, waiting for just the right moment.
That’s low-hanging fruit
WADA mess.
At least Curry had a good Father’s Day, he got to spend it playing basketball with his daddy.
At least OJ went 2-2 from the floor (allegedly).
As a Minnesotan (which is pretty much Canada anyway), and a die hard hockey fan, this hurts a lot. The Gordie Howe Hat Trick is the greatest feat in sports, and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. I will then need to somehow score a goal, and get an assist, but dammit I’ll do it anyway.
Go back to bed, Katie.
Walked away from the obvious counter of “Yeah, but in 2 hours I won’t be.”
Cut Twice: The Tim Tebow Story