
Best apocryphal story about this story and reflecting the Japanese skill at the time for “reverse engineering” (copying to you and me...), when the Russians asked for their plane back some wag asked “How many...?"

Welcome to Aussie Politics 101...

Never. Its not secret what the top of a fully loaded aircraft carrier looks like. Its well known that an carrier within a battlegroup will hold 70-90 aircraft. There’s nothing secret on the flight deck.

Some big-wave surfers wear PFDs that are not super buoyant, but enough to pop them to the surface. There are also rip-cord type devices that inflate a small chamber to float a surfer back to the surface. None of these are supposed to be any kind of replacement for knowledge and skill though. They’re just there as an

The force of a wave increases not just proportionally but exponentially. Water also weighs 60 lbs per cubic foot so keep that in mind. First a fall of 40'+ into water isn’t that gentle. He’s probably sucked up the face at 30-40 mph and then thrown again down the 40'. There’s not direct impact, but even a 5' wave

Fuck Screen Rant. Listicle bullshit

Just posted the same thing. An average skier could have hit the line in the article.

whoa whoa whoa...private ryan > thin red line....not a chance. outside of the first 20 minutes, thin red line is the superior film.

Shame on me for clicking on another video from ScreenRant. You’d think I’d have learned by now.

“Debbie does Dallas” and “Donna does Detroit”.

Psst. America is already fascist. has been for several decades.

If Trump talks the talk...I’m not going to give him the opportunity to to walk the walk.


If we’re gonna go down the route of apples and oranges than we can clearly see that this apple is just advertising for a show and not an orange, actual pro-nazi propaganda.

No, but I’d expect they were reliant on streets and buildings and such.

South Park predicted it in a recent episode.

America has never had any kind of socialist, moderate or extreme party anywhere close to power. Only moderate and extreme political right to pick from. Sanders may call himself socialist, but he is actually just a moderate right-winger by international standards.