
*you’re. Moron.

This comment is even better when read aloud in an Aussie accent. It also deserves more stars. I don't think I've ever read a more concise or lively explanation of the whole kerfuffle. Well played, sir.


Hey Admiral, I can’t work out if you’re trolling or if you actually think the entire chain of command on an aircraft carrier doesn’t know its job or understand its own rules of engagement. Personally I’m confident enough in their professionalism to believe they’re capable of taking the appropriate action to defend

Kind of like watching someone getting caught in an avalanche and saying, “so he fell... into soft, fluffy snow?”

I was genuinely interested in this post. And then I saw the video was by Screen Rant so I didn't watch it. Can you guys stop posting their shit please? It’s like the YouTube equivalent of UpWorthy.

Now playing

Meh. Here’s a harder one (and this wasn’t even the one I was searching for):

I cannot believe Saving Private Ryan and Thin Red Line are being compared as “twins”. The similarity ends with both being movies about WWII. The plots are totally different.

Leftoid? Guess again. Try Libertarian who believes that liberty is not dependent on skin color or gender and that America needs to reign in its absurdly imperialistic foreign policy. The fact that people are scared is no reason to sit back and watch the free world devolve into a dystopian police state.

We’re months away from possibly electing an actual fascist to the highest office in the land, and people choose to lose their shit over this?

Agree completely. Sadly a huge chunk of the population, including our elected representatives, would rather sacrifice liberties for the mere appearance of security. Get ready for Patriot Act Part Deux.

You seem to be under the impression that people in California can drive without the rain. California probably has the worst drivers in the country. And I don’t mean bad as in “aggressive” or “too fast,” I mean bad as in “have absolutely zero clue how to operate a vehicle, brake, accelerate, turn, merge, or park.”

You may want to make this more clear in the article. I know you do say it, but on my first quick read I thought you were advocating chest-only for drowning victims too. And by “more clear,” I really mean make it dog-shit obvious.

This needs more stars.

Yeah, I would definitely say that’s not an optical illusion. That’s it looking bigger because it is closer.

On the contrary, they have accomplished and continue to accomplish the *Search* for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

Exactly. El Niño should increase precipitation, but it won’t necessarily result in increased snow pack in the Sierras. The rain will likely be somewhat counterproductive.

Brilliant. Sometimes in life it's the simple pleasures.

It’s not about working for the entire time, it’s employers who pedantically insist that employees arrive at X on the dot, have precisely a 30 min lunch break, etc.

Please tell me you had one conversation in German with him before you left... just to see the look on his face.