
All my memories are still repressed, so I’ll just say: EDS.

I looked at it the other way... i.e. Can you recognize these ridiculously famous scientists and know enough about their accomplishments to know that they didn’t work on the polio vaccine.

I starred you as much for the correctness of response as for the perfection of your screen name.

Happened to me too. I just clicked back and resubmitted the last page and then it worked.

This post is glorious. Well done.

Mind over matter. It's interesting: there’s nothing all that special being done here. If they were two feet off the ground, nobody would care. 200 feet up though and suddenly it’s a big deal. The movements aren’t technically any harder at 200 feet, it’s just the mental fortitude to ignore the exposure.

No. Most, if not all, if our energy is net positive. Otherwise, why bother?

Do you think this moronic troll is interested in facts? I'd quit feeding him if I were you.

Thanks, dude. You just made me dissolve into a fit of laughter on a crowded train. Now I look like an insane person. But still...

You’ll get no angry reply from me, sir; rather, a high-five.

Thank you for helping me understand why we’re where we are. You've just perfectly summed up the shitshow.

Oh fuck off, retard. California is not “the desert”. An out of whack jet stream, likely caused by global warming, is deflecting precipitation to more northern latitudes. It’s the same mechanism that’s caused the recent severe winters in the east.

Yep. You know it. I know it. But most of the raging lefties around here would rather blame someone with a well-maintained lawn for the crisis.

I was about to post a comment about how self-righteous outrage at green lawns is not only really boring to listen to, but also completely misses the overwhelming majority of the problems inherent in our misusage of water.

My favorite so far.

Even if everything deniers said about lack of technology and the “impossibility” of space travel turned out to be true, this fact alone renders their arguments void. The simple number of people who would have to be involved in a conspiracy renders that conspiracy an impossibility.

No, it is crazy. It's completely and utterly bonkers. I would suggest to you, as others have said, that while these deniers like to use some sciencey sounding words, their claims can be totally demolished by anyone with any real expertise in the field.

Generally, yes. But not always. Sometimes the current is running parallel to the shore. You want to swim perpendicular to the current.

Dude, calm your tits. This is nothing to panic about. People gamble with their own lives by choosing to go in the ocean. It’s a wilderness and we’re not the top dog in it. Every time we go in the ocean we’re rolling the dice.

Interestingly, English used to be one of those languages. Double negatives were quite common as a means of increasing the degree of negativity until quite recently. But now they make us cringe.