
Have you tried drizzling it over your significant other for a titilating effect?

Wolf Blitzer drones on quite enough thank you. We don't need to equip these vacuous gasbags with actual drones.

Wow. Embarrassed to admit I didn't know the origin of the Cortana name... just thought it sounded weird. Makes more sense in that light.

I always thought Zune was a ridiculous name. And Cortana is awful too.

Dammit. If I lose to a robot in Beer Pong, I want it to be some Terminator-esque robot with laser targeting and catchy one-liners, not a repurposed desk lamp with rubber balls for hands.

Haha! You've got to be kidding me, right? You're trolling or something?

You might have wanted to look it up yourself first though, before attempting to "correct" someone's perfectly proper usage. Since you couldn't, here ya go:

It's the world's gnarliest infinity pool.

This is the most true blue Australian thing I've heard in a while. Thank you. So perfect!

And how exactly does your majestically witty comment not have more stars?

Yes, actually, water does burn. It burns in Cleveland and when my ex would try to cook pasta.

Boy, you must be a real hoot at parties.

Because the general consensus among scientists is that as the sun progresses through its lifecycle, it will render earth uninhabitable. Granted that's a loooong way off, but so is any chance of our settling some other planet.

Amen! Humanity is doomed if we can't get off this rock. Given how hard that's going to be, we better start now.

I think Jesus is suggesting they take the already recorded version of Sagan narrating PBD, remaster it, and set it to footage like this.

As one of the more significant scientists of the last hundred years, Carl Sagan deserves to at least have his name spelled correctly. :)

I think 3rd is fair. Ten years ago it may have been the top, but after Michigan spending the last decade gargling balls, the rivalry has lost some luster.

"So we systematically took whisky apart."

How does this not have more stars? I was going to post something similar, but yours was better.