kidelo: don't hate, exfoliate

A judge during a sentencing hearing can consider the evidence presented by the prosecution and defense only. The sentencing hearing is a separate hearing in which both sides present their argument for a sentence under state guidelines. The judge must sentence under these guidelines, thus the 10-15 year sentence due to

I’m sure there’s a white supremacist gang that will be more than happy to take Chauvin under their wings. Of course, after they all run a train on him in the showers.

The memo cites Chauvin’s lack of previous criminal history

Still too coherent and well punctuated.

You’ve seen his diet, right? I don’t think there’s anything “untooted” about the man.

nah, nah. I heard Trump and Biden pulled a Face/Off. So Biden is really Trump wearing Biden’s face and in August they switch faces back.


Still too many properly spelled words and correct punctuation, but other than that pretty damn spot on

I just fucking love his continued insistence on being called “45th President of the United States” at every conceivable opportunity just so his incredibly thin skin is never pierced by the word “former”.

Wow! You could TOTALLY ghost write for trump. He’d pay you for it of course. Well, he would SAY he’d pay you...and then not pay you. Because trump.

This comment is almost as much of a treat as the news above it!

“Do you know who I am?”

It seems to me that at some point, various medical associations are going to have to take notice of such laws, and debate whether their members should continue to participate in a practice of legally assigning a gender based on a cursory physical examination.

Bruh Stacey Dash at least gave us Clueless. As for The Queen of The Sunken Place at what point does she realize that she’s nothing to them but dish rag to be used and tossed away. Yeah I know there is money to be made in cooning but damn sis show some dignity. As for these conservatives I am looking forward to the day

Lol, what?

Writing, finishing up some remote work, gaming, SLEEPING. Today, it’s good to be the bug.

Pizza, beer, watching the Knicks

Pizza, ice cream, gaming, and crafting in some order.

White men will boast and brag about killing people for decades with physical and tangible evidence and relatives, employers, and state and Federal law enforcement with dismiss and laugh it off like it’s a joke.


Happy Friday !!!!!!!!!