kidelo: don't hate, exfoliate

I was thinking Paul Manafort.

I, for one, think we should never forget Satan’s noble sacrifice trying to save a small town in Colorado from the ravages of Man-bear-pig.

I'm sure there's a courthouse or some government building in her district with a Ten Commandments statue or something similar. The Church of Satan should sue for the right to put up a Satan statue for equal representation and publicly request that Greene support them in Congress since she's stated that we need statues

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a Mashup winner.

Armed, active shooter, resisted arrest, yet taken alive and unharmed. I guess the police had no fear for THEIR lives.

Those satan statues were all trolls designed to trigger people just like this rotten potato and get them to say “not THOSE statues!”

How will we distinguish yours from all the other Trump statues?

You know, I kind of think they are...

Actually, yes.

All Hail the “Master Race”.....

They never have...

“They” have any “Best and Brightest” or....

Oh, come on, no you don’t. It sounds all fine and well to say you want to drink their tears, but those tears taste like Miller Lite, cigarettes, and their sister.

Sterilize them first, who knows where those chuds have been.

I salute you: an anonymous internet person of taste, drinking those white tears Eric Cartman-style...

Didn’t she watch the news? You gotta go to Florida or Oklahoma to get away with that shit. For now, at least.

The perp is white; it gives the DA a chance to quibble on the charges. 

*reads the grays; drinks the tears.*

4/5ths president? That seems generous. I was thinking maybe half that.

That show of support is pretty nice, unfortunate that it is needed. As a history teacher, 1619 is a lens that is worth looking at history, to expand how students review and process it. I often hear from people that history is just names and dates, and it really isn’t, it is about many things, including the flow of