You never told us who homecoming.dairy is.
You never told us who homecoming.dairy is.
Gravy Seals, man. Wisconsin's best
Meal Team Six right there!
Not to mention the judge throwing the trail as well.
That t-shirt is a thing of beauty.
That t-shirt is EVERYTHING!
Love that t-shirt.
White people stole those too - from crocodiles.
Which is why Black people are STILL just talking the same sense as always, and white people continue to get stupider, angrier, more hateful, more ignorant, and just generally shittier.
See also : “you’re too sensitive.”
I thought he was talking about Richard Wokemob, the mysterious Antifa leg-breaker who travels around the country enforcing The Gay/Jewish/Vaccine/CRT/Socialist/Reverse-Racism/Anti-Male Agenda.
Aside from the long list of overfamiliar injustices to the little girl who made the drawing, what (if anything) was done regarding the alleged bully who inspired it?
I mean... “I’ve made it quite clear that until I hear from her—until she does speak to me—that I’ll continue to do this” certainly sounds like extortion to me.
Sadly, it’s not just white male behavior. This kind of narcissistic abuse transcends race, age, economic class, and gender. I have a (white Jewish upper-class) friend who has shared horror stories about the abuse she endured at the hands of a mother with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It’s a really pernicious form…
Everything you are doing is pushing her farther away.
Narcissistic assholes never understand why there are consequences for their actions.
007, we have one last job for you before you retire....
I disowned a piece of shit dad like this one here. Best thing I ever did.