kidelo: don't hate, exfoliate

If you don’t want to be replaced, get your stupid asses vaccinated.

I keep harkening back to the commenter earlier this week that posted Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s tweet about Republicans dying from covid at FIVE TIMES the rate of Democrats. And then I make myself a G&T.

I sat next to Sister Parks in church once, and she was not blackface dark (no one is). Miss Lauren Pfefferle or whatnot is a dusky enough bitch that she didn’t need to darken her skin to cosplay Rosa Parks. This woman has something deeply wrong with her.

Hey! I’m sorry that happened to you! Two. Factor. Authentication. Get it.

If you’re wondering why white people are so terrified of becoming the minority race in the USA, it’s shit like this. On record. 

This made my day

Girl, me too. Sometimes I laugh out loud, like when I read the headline to this article!

Damn. I came here for the article about how trailer homes manufactured homes cause Covid-19. Then you throw in everything but mayonnaise as further symptoms! I am so glad I like to read books and pen sharply worded comments on the internet, cause it seems things like Nascar and Bud Light cause Covid-19 too. Dag. (Yes,

Sounds like Axel Foley needs to get up in there.

Yeah, they take them out and share them.

That picture, tho.

Seems like Wallace opened himself a can of whoops-ass.

These assholes aren’t just anti-mask and anti-vax, they are pro-Covid.

“They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.” — Bizarro Rand Paul

I wish there had been more with his bravery (and gun) that day.

In my experience, there’s nothing that triggers white people more than pointing out they are white. Especially if they’re “one of the good ones.” If we just added white in front of -politics, -religion, -protests, there would be such a backlash.

This wouldn’t be a problem for Orange Dubious if he started his own social network like he said he would.

If you replace the word freedoms with the word privilege, you get a fuller picture of what’s being protected.

Imma snatch Candy’s weave and then she’ll look like this:

“Celebrities” claiming to be hacked after being problematic is so 2010.