
We have entire departments dedicated to this very question in many Unis. We already know how and are constantly refining the answer. It’s just hard and rich assholes like Gilbert starting gentrification waves isn’t.

To be short: don’t “bring in” or “start up”, instead “grow out”

For real. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most modest of reforms or complete bans, they’re going to flatten it to “they’re taking 2nd amendment away!” - so fucking go with what will get you a majority of support and fuck the writhing minority.

Hey man, it’s ok, I understand that people are resentful for things that are too hard for them. I’m sure your degree in “looking like a total fucking fool online” will come in handy some day, you idiot fuck.

Namely, in regard to the issue of getting people to “fall in line” during the general after a hard primary: Strict Purity Tests on Key issues with specific policy for them. Anything that polls at 60+% should be a given.

Medicare For All, Strong Anti-War, Reinstate Glass-Steagall, Infrastructure Bill, Raising min wage

Ex-DoD here, not vet - but spent years around Iraq shoulder to shoulder in the Dfaq and everywhere else on base.
Vets tend to either get indoctrinated into the right wing or come out completely and utterly disillusioned with politics and government as a whole. The ones that do go to the left, go HARD - like Anarchist. 

Not even responsible and decent, just unwilling to embrace the full elder gods like madness of worst of the republican base.

Like, I find myself in the unfortunate position of trying to talk down weirdo #resistance types when they start going on about Melania being a lifelong Kremlim agent - that’s not decency or

“You need to convince the opposition that this is the best solution before it’s going to happen”

No. You don’t.
Did Republicans convince the other side on the tax bill? Do they with anything? Nope. Dis Obama repeal all of Bush’s programs and policies when he had a super majority?

Republicans can’t just repeal anything

“You need to convince the people on top in the 1% that this is a good idea”

What? My god man.

Dude, FDR almost packed the courts fighting back to force the New Deal despite ardent opposition.

If you think this is how politics works, pleading with the masters for their permission you have no clue how we got any of the

Dude, it polls at 70%+. Medicare for all is even popular with Republicans. They should absolutely be crowing about it. You can’t tip toe around overwhelmingly popular issues because of some entrenched interests - you have to fight. . .

This isn’t about getting everyone on board, it’s about getting enough people on

Probably not productive.
But like I said, terrified or furious.

Economist here.
It’s likely inevitable at this trajectory.
That and/or fascism.
If you’re not terrified or furious at this point, you’re clueless. 

We’re never going to get everyone, we don’t need them though. We’ve got what we need for Medicare for all at 70%. The problem isn’t popular support, it’s our reps lack of will. 

It’s why people like Sanders focus on universal programs. Once you get everyone something, and they realize it benefits them, it’s almost impossible to take away - or takes a long time. Look how well Social Security has held up from a right wing assault for ~100 years.

It’s the major issue with means tested programs or

You do realize that the whole New Democrats Centrist era has lead to astonishing losses all across the country, a broke party incapable or raising money with a toxic brand and a wiff on what should have been the easiest presidential election in history while managing to lose the Rust Belt, a blue presidential bastion?

In what world do you think this is anything but counterproductive? 

But yeah, throw a tantrum because people don’t see what you do, or just do what you say. Totally not weirdo baby shit. 

If you want Democrats to vote like Republicans do in the general, you have to do what Republicans do in the primaries to make sure there isn’t a sectarian conflict going into the general: Purity Tests.

Being annoyed/upset about voter behavior doesn’t do anything. Changing the system to ameliorate unproductive and well

And the same people will insist they’re just “pragmatic” and “realist” while scorning you. 

People complain about purity tests in primaries, and then complain Democrats don’t fall in line like Republicans in the general - who do so because their primaries are full of purity tests so whomever wins checks the important boxes. . . which the tea part only entrenched, to their benefit.

But hey, the Democrats are

Tulsi Gabbard: A POC young female hindu military veteran whose both attractive and charismatic. Solid progressive, has been in party leadership and left on principle during 2016 and who will stand up to the party when her principles demand it (leadership) - she locks up identity voters, progressives and independent