
People who haven’t abandoned Trump by 2020 pretty much never will.
Turning out the base in the midwest > getting some costal, urban republicans.

Haven’t crunched the numbers since 2016, but it seemed feasible that the tax would generate the funding. I mean, also, lets be honest, we could just deficit spend and point out we do it with military spending, tax cuts, etc. . . so we’ll stop with education when they stop with that; we’re never going to claim the

You can get trade degrees/certs from most community colleges and Uni’s. So it does. It sticks with public CC’s and Uni’s because opening it up to private can be a can of worms - ie, ITT Tech, etc. . .

C4SS is not “anarcho-capitalist”.Markets =/= Capitalism. One of the major refrains of C4SS is: Markets Not Capitalism.

It’s ok to not like things and state your experience. No matter how much people try to treat you as if your opinion isn’t valid/relevant/obnoxious, because it’s not theirs, and try to disguise that obvious megalomania with some weirdo attitude that saying anything negative is untoward or asinine.

I know nothing about art other than some rudimentary Art History, Liberal Arts basics and living above an art gallery for a few years. I don’t speak on art in any kind of critical or declarative manner. It’s as Rothbard (evil little turtle of a man he was) said:

“It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is,

Actually take Macro classes. The old but true adage is: “Micro describes perfectly what never actually happens, Macro poorly describes what actually does happen”.

Feiedman has insights, but reality is proving a lot of his ideas have been proven to be either grossly imperfect to downright wrong. The idea of

Jesus, no. What?
I was pointing out what the other poster was saying that was apparently so hard for you to understand - a lot of first world abundance is the result of abusive labor practices -whether that be modern child slavery in Congolese coltan mines reducing the cost of the tantalum capacitors in your


Yes. Inane. . .Trite. Hackneyed. Platitudinous.

You’re attributing the mass expansion in productive capability to. . .bankers. You’re phone’s so cheap because the technology was subsidized by US military contracts that developed the essential technology, created by scientists and engineers, not bankers, with

You look exactly how I imagine everyone who leaves this same inane comment does.

Couldn’t disagree more.
While they both deal with the same concept “things are fucked and there’s probably no fixing them”, REM’s seems to be more about the people who just don’t seem to get it, “offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline”, and fully labeling them as “the problem”. There’s a generalized

Fuck, made me lol.
People who don’t think these are jokes probably yelled at other kids insisting that it’s not a joke if it doesn’t start with knock knock.

From an economic perspective, there are ways to improve efficiency - but what people need to realize is that any kind of good that has no Marginal Cost (producing the billionth unit costs as much as the 1st) and has no scarcity isn’t really what markets are for. Markets are for ~scarce~ goods. So we have a market

Lack of a justification has never stopped a firm from treating employees/contractors poorly. Excuses are just that, excuses.

It’s a natural result of there not being scarcity for the good. Once you make it, there’s no more cost (no marginal cost). Markets don’t deal well with things that are completely non-scarce. It’s just not really what they do. The profit maximizing point for games publishers is whatever each individual consumer is

The 100.
Great show. Get past the first couple episodes they used to sell it to the CW and it’ll impress you.

Just wanted to say, regardless of any of this, Rimworld is an amazing game.

Are you kidding? I the past 3 days.

-2 5k eggs reset on me.
-Pokemon have “gone invincible” in gyms multiple times.
-The game froze while catching a pokemon, booting me all the way back to account sign in, and didn’t catch the pokemon.
- Rare pokemon spawned, every time I touched the screen, it said “Bag Full upgrade

Because, by definition, is is not a “real commodity”.
A kilowatt of energy is a commodity, a oz. of copper is a commodity.
A pair of sneakers are not, nor a videogame. They’re not properly uniform or fungible. . . and certainly not being sold for their marginal cost of production.