Kanye sure is nice
I want to read Fred Exley on Eli's 5-pick game.
Jay-Quellen? A-aron?
Fork over some cash to the kid, then, ya rich bastard.
it's OK everybody I yelled at him on twitter #handled
who was the guy doing color commentary for this game? Good lord, easily the worst I've ever heard. He was strugggglin!
Good lord you've listened to every last one of these mixtapes?
god almighty, is Tosh ever shitty. Just terrible, bad shit.
Randy Moss for President.
quiet, hillbilly, back to churning butter.
wow this is great. congrats on the bear trap.
yo I grew up on a detroit avenue that was offa MLK highway, not a word of a lie, and my backyard was cornfields and a sheep pen. we were outside of city limits, in the "sticks" with a intersection like that lol.
Fair point.
I wonder if he's got pigs. Raising pigs is the goddamn greatest. Just a few at a time, though, no more. Stinky bastards.
From the top of the key to the corner in Five (5) goddamn steps.
Support the pooch.
Love this.