
dog you seen wolf on jeopardy lmao? you right, wolf is dumber than my step-brother, and trussmidaddi, that is duuuuumb.

No we haven’t.

whoa can’t believe she ignored you, champ.

good lord it is rough.

lmao please tell me the diff between rap and hip-hop. god I love you internet rap nerds.

heyyyyy shut the fuck up lol

so you post a white dude’s renditiion!??? hahahaha!


haha that dude in the hat already knows.

Bless Thugga.

hey smug doofus, they’re everywhere.

street, not the city.

get lost and get out of my land, you snooty turd.

fight me u coastal dweeb.

Were you back in your hometown with all the animals got out??

You write like you eat adderrall like it's candy, Alby.

your rap writing is so awkward, maybe you wanna stop? we should all be embarrassed.

But dude, the sentence for first-degree aggravated sexual assault in Louisiana is life! Life in prison! And he committed that crime on multiple occasions!

I'm a Wisconsin native feelin a touch homesick down in louisiana, and this made me so happy! TThank you.