
my favorite vines are the ones where somebody pops up from the bottom. like that old lady at an nba game last year. yes, the bottom pop up people, very good stuff.

Huh? You just droppin names or. What's Beckett got to do with this here? Seriously want to know lol.

One year at college I dressed up as an abortion (hanger on the head, blood on the shirt) and then at bartime told some kid in a Prince Fielder costume that his blackface was "unacceptable."

I could say the same thing about organic and GMO nonsense; and while this is personal/anecdotal, I'd say that my family's factory farm is a hell of a lot cleaner than the organic dairy farm I worked on in college. Still, though, you aint gonna rid the world of suckers or sensitive souls anytime soon. Respect that some

I live in new orleans and would very much like to know which gym this was.

But you do. Tell me, of what is a terrorist's heart composed?

oooOOOOooo a molly party u r dngerous cool man and i love u

Through the Glass, kindly.

Now playing

Not true, liberal Chicagoans of every race have come together and:

Marry Ibaka, Kill Westbrook, fuuuck Kevin Duraaannnttttt!!!!

no rings no swag no bitches

The democrats were so thick nominating Barrett again. They almost deserve what they get for such daftness.

As a Wisconsin native riding out some schoolin' in New Orleans, I can tell you that I drink any kind of beer, no me importa, but your nice words about our fine state is taken very kindly.

Now playing

It really is. It started as a reaction to what those guys saw as overly commercial, toned-down country out of Nashville. These guys wanted to sing about taking too many pills, snortin too much blow, ho's (to borrow a term lol) and prison. Not goddamn love songs and odes to great america or w/e. For my own personal

Nah, man, outlaw country is a pretty specific genre within country and western. Willie, Waylon, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash. Croce and Lightfoot would be more folk, I think. But who cares, really, enjoy the dang music.

whoa whoaa whoaaaa, gordon lightfoot in with Waylon and Willie and Kris? Qua?

You mean Prince? Granted he grew up in Minneap, but uhhh.

Outlaw country is the goddamn greatest. Don't forget about Merle!

I quit my job last week at A grocery store because they played too much fucking Eagles.