
Hey is he right about All Day Inc. being different from AP All Day Foundation? Because if so, that's bust :/

Good job, man. You got to be proud of yourself.


lol i'm sorry but dude that wrote the letter aint see shit.

that's a man who knows his lawyers are gonna lawyer him outta any significant trouble.

what other websites you guys waste time on?

what other websites do you guys frequent? what's good?

me and my fellow smug fatties!

what is that?

solid idea! I enjoy your work, Mr. Burke.

how do you make new friends in a new city at 27 years old without being a fucking weirdo?

Anybody else think this would have been a perfect selection?

I'm sad. 7 months in New Orleans and *still* I aint made a friend. I reek of desperation but I am desperate.

Well said. Plug your writing, will ya?

mmmm I'm pretty sure it affects people of color, black males in particular, to a much more intense degree.

you ever heard of punching down? like the CEO roasting a janitor? that's what happens when white people make "jokes" at the expense of another race.

You suck at this job.

SVP is away from his radio show for half the year, it seems, which is a bummer.

cannot stop laughing Ahhhaha

Travis Ozogovich