
Right. GM doesn’t keep “doing well” by running a plant that makes things that people don’t want.

Thank God for Michigan - couldnt imagine my GT4 with a front plate.


I’d bring back the VF Commodore. I’d give it the HSV Senator Signature styling in place of what the Chevrolet SS used, the LT1 and LT4 V8s (with stickshift options), and Chevrolet Infotainment 3.

Go Dodge! I realized you mentioned only the Caliber so I added these gems as well.

Raise your hand if you are surprised that. David recommended a rusty car!

You’re switching manufacturers because they got a tax break?

For all its faults, the Dodge Journey is still several orders of magnitude better than any vehicle you own, David.

Sure, there is some recency bias, but the Chevy SS was/is underrated.

Didn’t the Chevy Avalanche have something like this?

Have you ever tried to convince an old man that they’re wrong about something?

I’m almost certain we could convince Canada to take all, or part of Michigan.

In the mid 1980s there was a period of unique family cars for my mom and dad. Below photos are just representations.

For the bulk of my childhood, our family car was an ‘89 Oldsmobile Toronado Trofeo. Mom refused to buy anything with four doors, because she thought they were all ugly. My sister and I rode the 1200 miles to Florida and back in that thing, while my parents smoked like chimneys in the front seat. No, the rear windows

Ford LTD Country Squire. You can’t get more childhood family car than that.

1980 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser Diesel. Just like the one below but it did not have the clear cornering lights on the lower front fender. It was affectionately refered to as “The Diesel” In 1984 dad popped the stock diesel and GM replaced it free of charge with a Detroit Diesel 350 replacement. It survived (3) teenage

Brought home from the hospital in a 1971 Malibu convertible (all photos examples, but correct color).

I bought a 2016 Camry, you know trying to be financially responsible, now kinda regret it.