Detroit 68

I just want you filthy people to wash your legs. We’ll worry about scents at a later date.

exactly, you should see Brien

Like what is the point when someone has one foot in the grave.

1st paragraph jobs: We must preserve these industries!

Viagra and prostate cancer.

Nothing, but I certainly have something against dudes that say shit like this: “”Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism.” and “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”

Come on! If you read that sentence and didn’t IMMEDIATELY think “dissolved the body so no one could find the evidence,” you don’t watch NEARLY enough Law and Order.

Was that body blindfolded and carrying a scale?

This is suddenly seeming like the only real possibility.

Tried to dissolve a body in it?

A person who’s willing to kill a friend over money, has no remorse over it, brags about it, and can’t handle disagreement with another woman without using whorephobic slander and exploiting some child’s rape for 15 minutes of fame and revenge has no moral leg to stand on. Also, Nicki (as far as I know) has not come

Bitches, you jealous. Your fave could never.

I don’t think Shether was bad I think for me it was overhyped and I’m a little bored with making fun of Nicki’s fake ass and making fun of women for having sex in the hip hop industry. There were parts of it that were solid though.

That is such a rookie move on the part of her label, and pretty well underscores Clover’s point about Nicki being in an entirely different league professionally.

I can’t be the only one who wasn’t impressed by Remy’s diss track. Saying Nicki has a fake ass and sucks dick is not original or clever. Nicki at least used this weak ass feud to make some money.

FINALLY, somebody gets it. Damn. No, Remy is not “winning” this. No, Remy should have never came for Nicki like that. Period.

Nikki Minaj is without question my number one celeb crush. That girl was molded in the pits of hell and released on earth to suffocate whatever purity we might have left. Sweet holy hell. Sweet sweet holy hell. Yeah.

Goodness, both fucking Affleck’s with oscars. To be a mediocre white man in America really is something after all. Fuck the oscars for fucking giving best picture to La La Land.

The picture of all the cards made me tear up a little. If only all internet commenters were First Nation school children.

All the money from the sales from her latest cd of covers.