Detroit 68

He quit to make $$$ in the Transporter movies.

God I love him and was so mad when he dropped out as Daario Naharis. He was so cheesy-sexy and amazing.

I’m quite aware of the fact that diamonds aren’t rare, and can be cheaply reproduced in a lab. That was actually noted in my post. 

I’m not talking about going to Neptune and collecting diamonds. I merely pointing to the fact that they are formed so easily that they are raining on two planets nearby. Read that poetry,

Think about it this way. The entire universe: no real proof of intelligent life. Within our solar system: it’s raining fucking diamonds on two planets.

It’s almost like millennials aren’t wrong for thinking diamonds aren’t valuable? It’s almost like... they’re super common and easy to produce in a variety of settings? To the point where they literally RAIN in nearby planets.

Everything Eli Manning makes me so anxious. Like... is he ok? I hope he’s ok. Somebody stop the NFL!

As far as I know she’s never really stopped working? She was great in Big Fish.

I disagree! Shannon didn’t raise her voice to a crazy volume, but she was totally railing into Lydia with a nasty tone and not listening to a word of what she was trying to say. Maybe yelling isn’t the best word choice, but I don’t think she’s using your middle-school tactics. I grew up in an abusive home and if I had

They won’t get another chance because Trump is going to gut medicaid or because you believe in near-term extinction?

(cue the why not both girl)

I think it’s more insulting to suggest that anything could nullify Sharon Jones’ legacy?

I like how people are acting as if she’s had a career as Iron Man, Spider Man, and ... IDK, the Hangover. People are morons. She is a goddess.

It’s 72 hours to book an interview and not mention Nicki’s name. Not exactly hard for someone in the public spotlight. The only reason she’s in the spotlight right now is because she’s riding Nicki - Nicki just offered her half a million to get off for a minute. Too bad she probably can’t.

The IRS will be interested to know that there was $14 lying around.

As others have pointed out, their concern is with the latter. It’s obviously even worse if he’s flat out lying, but either way - if he has no nexus with indigenous culture, and is a member of no indigenous community, he should not be claiming it as his own for profit.

My initial thought was that “becuase he has a huge dick” as if I somehow knew it to be fact?

I disagree, she’s quite charming and sexy. She’s just a shitty friend!

I don’t think she’s malicious, just a regular bitch that doesn’t give a fuck when she offends people. If she just embraced that it’s who she is, I’d love her!

I see what you mean. But if you’re dismissing an issue, you shouldn’t also be upset that the other party finds you dismissive. Either you want to resolve an issue, or you don’t. Her whole pity party in Dubai where she realized everyone was annoyed by her about issues she won’t talk about... booooooring.

When you give fake apologies and continuously follow them up with trying to explain why you’re not actually in the wrong, you’re not actually apologizing. She wanted to explain to Eileen why she was wrong. As far as I can see, that’s what annoyed Eileen. Not the actual conversation.

If LvP had it in her ability to go “Oops! I didn’t realize it was sensitive for you. Sorry - I shouldn’t have brought it up!” the whole thing could’ve been over. I just find her inability to apologize when she should apologize very annoying. You know?