Detroit 68

I love Joy Behar but I also thought she’s retired...

Spoilers (there are two seasons already?) but Ampika and Magali... are certifiably insane.

Her whole body is pretty much covered in prosthetics (face, ass, boobs).

I’m so excited I could die. I for some reason love Meghan King (I also loved that she said “My last name isn’t Edmonds... they just did that for the show”) and can’t wait for her vindication.

Can we rewind back to two-thousand-whatever and fire Halle Berry? She ruined my favourite X-Men character.

I guess that they’re voting because of the Party Leader but for the Minister of Parliament. As the Doctor noted, a quibble.

The only people that would disagree with you there are people who follow the NDP out of blind allegiance.

Again, you are wrong. The full platform for the Liberals was available on October 5th and the full platform for the NDP was available on the 9th.

Uh... immigration. Hello.

You’re absolutely and objectively wrong. The Liberal platform was available on October 5th and the NDP platform was available on October 9th. And they were absolutely more progressive and comprehensive in that the NDP platform was based on fuzzy math resulting in undeliverable promises as the result of Tom Mulcair’s

The Constitution Act (1867, formerly the British North American Act) was sort of replaced by a better one in 1982. Canadian history is very wacky and much less linear than American stuff... and we still have a Queen.

The only reason the NDP haven’t done the same thing is that they’re not popular enough to be given the chance.

Beyond the fact that Trudeau senior’s efforts under the Liberal Party gave us the Canadian Constitution (1982) and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Liberals are hugely different from the Conservatives in a million different ways. They were actually more progressive than the NDP on a lot of issues this time

Hot garbage that I will happily watch on a Sunday afternoon.

Everybody loves How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days.


I know it varies from place to place but the $200k McMansion doesn’t exist anywhere in Canada that I’m aware of. And there are definitely some bargain cities in the states - I’m looking at you, Atlanta.

My HGTV thought process: “For the price of a one bedroom condo, in Winnipeg, I could afford a McMansion?!?!... [watch unattractive couple bicker about granite, remember I have healthcare]... I’ll stay.”

Between this and your screen name, I can confidently say that we would get along famously.

How kind of you to go out of your way to let us know this. It’s almost like beauty is in the eye of the beholder! You might be onto something.