
That rejection letter would be devastating.

Chris Harris and Tiff Needle. That is what i need for a regular show. This was awesome. No telling how many times i will watch this. Absolutely amazing having those three cars on the track together.

It certainly quenched my thirst for gasoline

That is the system I worked on.

I have worked on some similar systems, many of them are designed to scuttle themselves after they exceed their useful life. Typically that includes flooding the sealed compartment so that the item sinks. The electronics in the picture look like that is the case. Could be a sonobuoy that failed (one that was

Ignoring it is the worst, sometimes it feels like a competition between two parents on who can ignore it the longest. My son is not perfect, and there has been one time I had to take him out of the restaurant when he was maybe two or three, but I truly believe he is well behaved. I’ve had people tell me that I am

This is a repeat of what a lot of people have said but here are my suggestions:

One other easy thing to mention. A few times it has happened to me where the car wouldn’t crank a bit. Some cars would get power to interior items, some won’t. The culprit ended up being the key. Newer keys (or even some pretty old ones) sometimes won’t recognize the key for one reason or another. I felt like a genius

I’m not against line workers getting paid well. I also don’t think $20 per hour is unreasonable. Most of the jobs in these factories could be performed by anyone with minimal training. You can’t just take any Joe Blow off the street and put them to work, but just about anybody could do it with some training. It also

I don’t see how you can make the jump from not wanting your kid to have autism to hating autistic people. If I avoid giving my kid caffeine because it might stunt his growth mean I hate short people? My wife had cancer and started looking for reasons she may have gotten cancer. Does she hate people with cancer? Her

My father recently visited the Michelin test track in France, and there was a Bugatti running around going through testing. He said it was supposed to be the “new one” I showed him a picture of a Veyron and he said it looked kind of like that so I don’t know if it was the new one or a mule or what. Wish I could have

Ehra Lessien is nice for top speed, but not as much for all around testing. Plus it’s VW’s private track so that’s not really an even playing field.

That was pretty damn funny. Will watch more.

I still think the Saudi’s “sidewalk skiing” and changing tires while driving is worth mentioning.

I still refuse to believe this was anything but dramatization. I can certainly believe they would get weird looks driving down the road with those statements on their car, but none of their statements were that offensive. People drive around the south with Hillary for President bumper stickers, they don’t get chased

AKA Shaggy defense:

I’ve known a few people like this. The amazing thing to me is that anytime you catch them in their bullshit, it seems to have no effect. If you are around them enough, you finally get tired of pointing out their bullshit to no avail. The ones I’ve been around seem to just move on to the next thing once their bullshit

My first thought was "that looks like the guy from Mythbusters".

That was my first thought as well. Looks like you have to back each one out one to get the front one out. Also backing out of there might not be the easiest thing.

I agree that they try to hard. Too much of what they say and do seems scripted. I think they would be more entertaining if they let the show happen more than trying to stick to a script. Or maybe they are just that way in real life and I'm just wrong. The entire show seems to be devoted to challenges though. Sumo