No reason to dislike Lebron. Been like that for quite some time.
No reason to dislike Lebron. Been like that for quite some time.
I say or write some version of this every year, but, each season the championship goes to a team that got lucky: Their own players’ Achilles’ tendons didn’t explode and/or some other team’s players’ Achilles’ tendons exploded and/or the seeding protected them from a tough matchup that would have worn them down before…
Yea, Kaep always has that paycheck to fall back on
it’s an unpopular take because it is a very stupid take.
Tricky thing, walking when you’re on the verge of shitting your pants. Gotta move fast, but can’t allow too much separation of the cheeks. Keep’em firm and get a nice shuffle going.
Shabba doo, my friend. Shabba doo.
I have not played it. I’m not familiar with the title Three Vikings, but according to the page, the developer said that they were inspired by a game called The Lost Vikings.
Love your Devo hat. Fuck yeah. Probably said it before, I’ll probably say it again.
*eye roll*
if i get all the chaos emeralds do i get 2 b super sanic
I think it’s pretty clear that Durant is just more comfortable being the third person.
the real score was the friends we made along the way
Ok, but what’s its score? 8.5/10?
The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff
1. Stratego.
With all due respect, Laura, I feel like Monopoly is coming in a little hot. It’s really only an appropriate game when you’re snowed/rained in and want to flush your entire day down the toilet. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Monopoly game take any less than 5-6 hours.
Ok, Michael Bradley, you’re the lion.
Eh. Fact is, they were “among the most successful,” despite how bad they are now and despite not winning a title. Three division titles, one Finals appearance, and in the playoffs every year he was there.
Are you ready for BOCEPHUS? Have you accepted our lord JESUS?
One guy was heard to say.........”I’m covered from my head tomatoes.”