Detlef Schrempf's Mustache

I mean, sure, we can hope that Trump’s policies won’t exacerbate the exact problems he’s trying to solve. Heck! We can even PRAY!
But if we’re being rational (and maybe petty), we know it’s not happening.

To Chuck: Au contraire, mon ami.

Lighten up, Francis.


Ayy more dumb ideas from Kerr.
There’s no right way to vote. And just because the players’ union secured the right to vote doesn’t mean each individual player wanted it. Did the majority of players vote in an ‘unserious’ way? Nope! Did it keep Westbrook out? Nope!

Just as many drunk Pats fans in Providence, though

What kind of monster ‘unpacks’ a dishwasher? You make me sick!

How did you get Deadspin to promote your podcast?

Which is the team that’s not a bunch of assholes?

But isn’t there a clear technological solution to poverty? Just give the productive technologies to the workers!

Pretty clearly an insufferable asshole, but Embiid is cool!

I mean all for ganging up on Trump, but was it bad when Hillary was put in charge of healthcare or when RFK was appointed Attorney General by his brother?

The Lakers give Metta World Peace minutes. They are not middle-aged and bogus. They are old and magnificent.

That’s strange, because the Robbie Williams tattoo on my stomach is a huge Formula 1 fan.

too much ‘attitude’

I like when Hamilton Nolan he’s like ‘hey, pay people better and support unions!’
Being reminded of his love affair with Peter Singer or watching him dredge up hot takes from a 1988 symposium on culture studies bum me out, though.

Dems could just call the bluff and let them filibuster.
As an actual strategy, it’s only really used/effective at the end of a session.
The longer you do it, also, the less popular you become (when you’re being a shithead, that is [see: Ted Cruz]).

September 2016: Color-blind anarchist strikes black mayor known for corruption, hailed as hero.

I thought for a second that he was also really into Brian Eno.

Wild as one syllable sounds right, but do you apply this to all similar words?
Child, mild, sure, but filed, piled? Do you say that people jumped on top of each other and made a ‘pile’ or a ‘pie-uhl’?

How about vile and vial?

If you are categorically applying the one syllable rule to all these cases, you must sound like