
Don't you know? Furries are impervious to fire! Why else would we all supposedly be yiffing in hell, eh?

I dunno, maybe there are a lot of things I'd fuck, but you wouldn't be one of 'em!

Perhaps you're doing something wrong? o: I haven't seen bronies (openly) on my social networks and the like in years. And I'm a furry, so I'd probably be much more likely to see them than most folks, lol.

Wrong fandom! But good try - so 2008. 7/10 I would fuck that sentence.

He briefly touched on it in a post yesterday:

Interesting! I'm no brony, but I know a couple. I've never been to a con before, but I'm interested to go. Will be going to my first furry con next weekend here in Denver, so I'm excited :) I wonder if it'll be anything like this...just furry and with more people.

Aye, I can see that. I'm kind of the same way in regards to attendance - I mean, if I could, I'd fly across the country to attend a gaming or furry con, but I don't have that kind of money, haha. So while I was in better luck back home in LA, I'm in Denver now, so the only cons I can go to are the Denver Comic-Con,

I would imagine it's probably more so a community-type thing. Just a space to get together with other people who like the same thing you do and nerd out with them for a while.

You don't need to have gone to college (I'm literally taking "high school freshman-level math" according to my school, this fall), I just like having someone to bounce questions/ideas off of :) If you wouldn't mind ^^ Hehe

*wags* Hm, I guess I'll take this moment to ask you if you're good at math and/or science? If you don't mind my asking, heh ^^; Neither are quite my forte (despite my being rather interested in them but - as demonstrated earlier - forgetful, lol), but I'll eventually have to take a(n online) physics course for my


Ah, I see! Thanks :)

Wouldn't it be centrifugal force? I can't remember, it's been forever (re: over a year) since I last took Physics. Also, I totally freaked out for a sec and thought you were a friend of mine since he has a very similar icon (an artist must have made a bath of them or something, like those "swaying hips" icons that

I clicked on this article just to read the comments and was not disappointed (though that is an impressive graphical bump, as far as I know, having never played WoW).

Fun fact, paleolithic humans began drawing animals before (and much more accurately, as accurate as painting with fingers and sticks on a cave wall can be) before they began drawing humans to the same degree. That's not to say they never drew humans, but humans always took a backseat (a fairly large one) in

I feel like some people are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. I mean, c'mon. They're only dicks and knots and man-babies, terrible fanfiction aside. Get over it.

It's referred to as knotting for both wolves and dogs, at least where I come from.

It was only ever exclusive in Japan. Or will be, I should say.

I know the poor guy who got hit, haha.