Don't you know? Furries are impervious to fire! Why else would we all supposedly be yiffing in hell, eh?
Don't you know? Furries are impervious to fire! Why else would we all supposedly be yiffing in hell, eh?
I dunno, maybe there are a lot of things I'd fuck, but you wouldn't be one of 'em!
Perhaps you're doing something wrong? o: I haven't seen bronies (openly) on my social networks and the like in years. And I'm a furry, so I'd probably be much more likely to see them than most folks, lol.
Wrong fandom! But good try - so 2008. 7/10 I would fuck that sentence.
He briefly touched on it in a post yesterday:
Interesting! I'm no brony, but I know a couple. I've never been to a con before, but I'm interested to go. Will be going to my first furry con next weekend here in Denver, so I'm excited :) I wonder if it'll be anything like this...just furry and with more people.
Aye, I can see that. I'm kind of the same way in regards to attendance - I mean, if I could, I'd fly across the country to attend a gaming or furry con, but I don't have that kind of money, haha. So while I was in better luck back home in LA, I'm in Denver now, so the only cons I can go to are the Denver Comic-Con,…
I would imagine it's probably more so a community-type thing. Just a space to get together with other people who like the same thing you do and nerd out with them for a while.
I'm vdeth15 on there. ^^
You don't need to have gone to college (I'm literally taking "high school freshman-level math" according to my school, this fall), I just like having someone to bounce questions/ideas off of :) If you wouldn't mind ^^ Hehe
*wags* Hm, I guess I'll take this moment to ask you if you're good at math and/or science? If you don't mind my asking, heh ^^; Neither are quite my forte (despite my being rather interested in them but - as demonstrated earlier - forgetful, lol), but I'll eventually have to take a(n online) physics course for my…
Ah, I see! Thanks :)
Wouldn't it be centrifugal force? I can't remember, it's been forever (re: over a year) since I last took Physics. Also, I totally freaked out for a sec and thought you were a friend of mine since he has a very similar icon (an artist must have made a bath of them or something, like those "swaying hips" icons that…
I clicked on this article just to read the comments and was not disappointed (though that is an impressive graphical bump, as far as I know, having never played WoW).
Fun fact, paleolithic humans began drawing animals before (and much more accurately, as accurate as painting with fingers and sticks on a cave wall can be) before they began drawing humans to the same degree. That's not to say they never drew humans, but humans always took a backseat (a fairly large one) in…
I feel like some people are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. I mean, c'mon. They're only dicks and knots and man-babies, terrible fanfiction aside. Get over it.
It's referred to as knotting for both wolves and dogs, at least where I come from.
It was only ever exclusive in Japan. Or will be, I should say.
I know the poor guy who got hit, haha.