
lmao I had a very similar experience, and was also terrified the first time. I was lucky, though, as I literally learned sex ed in class the next day. This was way back in 5th grade though, so I was 9 or 10. It was also Catholic school, so you can imagine just how much they left out :P

One of my more favourite memes. Huzzah.

Is this something I'd have to play the previous games to enjoy? Because I tried watching the trailer for V and at the end only felt like I wasted my time. Is there something I'm missing?

Doesn't seem too bad. I've seen people actually fuck their bikes (tailpipes, wheels, seats, etc.). I wonder, though, if it doesn't faze me because I've seen, by general consensus, far more taboo things.

This looks mundane in comparison to all the things I've seen people fuck.

I really enjoyed the Hobbit in 48fps 3D :) As cadarn07 said, it was amazing. I really enjoyed it, as did the few friends who saw it with me.

I kind of thought it'd be harder. Him talking throughout the whole thing made it much easier though, lol. It should have been nothing but silence (I've seen those videos that are 3-5 minutes long and you sit there staring at it wondering if something's going to happen, but by the end of it, nothing ever does). I've

Yes, though after taking a particularly painful stab right where it hurts. They came out bloodied, but alive.

No, it's from The Princess Bride. Unless you saw something else I didn't o:

I love wolves! I wish I could be that shiny and luxurious.

Good luck with that o: Very few people are attacked by wolves, unless they're just being idiots. And yeah, it does look over-animated to me, too. Still looks nice, though xP

I'm pretty sure the map IS bullshit! I mean, it was conducted through Facebook likes...would you really be expecting any actual data? :) That being said, I also go to school with a lot of gamers (my major is Game Art), and I'm in Denver. People seem pretty split evenly over XB1 and PS4, neither really caring about the

I dunno, man. I prefer Android to iOS anyday, prefer shopping locally, and have always had Windows PCs. I'm from "left-wing socialist" California, currently in Denver, am all for more gun control and am atheist (I probably fit the stereotypical Angeleno almost to a T, except I don't drive and much prefer public

Actually, from what I've seen and read of the new season (I saw episodes 3 and 4 that were leaked, as well as the extended sneak peak they released yesterday and the new trailer), I think a lot of it will revolve around her having to deal with the consequences of her actions - namely Harmonic Convergence and leaving

I absolutely loved Ruby and Sapphire (I still have them as well as my blue Gameboy Advance SP). Beyond general sibling rivalry and Pokemon battles, I think the biggest point of contention for my brother and I was the pronunciation of Kyogre. He tried arguing with me that it was pronounced "kie-oh-gree" which always

Yyeeaahhhhh, I thought she made a bad decision too xD One thing I've been wondering about often is why she can't talk to Raava like Wan could. Raava even spoke to her briefly in the Book 2 finale, so why can't they talk to each other more? :O Couldn't Raava have been like "Hey, no, gurl, don't do it, it's a bad

Haha, true! That'd be really awesome. I remember once I tried to make a ninja turtle on one of WWE's older wrestling games (somewhere between 2001 and 2004). It was so hilariously terrifying xD I then remember trying to make my 'sona or somefin' in a...gah, I forget what it's called, some fighting game, might have

It would be cool if they could let you be any color you wanted, too. He mentioned "you could be any skin tone" in the video, but I don't know if that allows other colours :P

And (unless Nick is a dick and backs out somehow), there'll be another, final book after this one! Nick already paid for it when they ordered 3 more books halfway through Book 1 :P

Yeah, but they had also already begun animation on Book 3 before they finished airing Book 2. Likewise, they were animating Book 3 and 4 simultaneously, and Book 3's animation was completely finished a couple weeks ago, so Book 4 will probably be finished something this late fall/early winter, if not earlier. I think