caffinated dichotomy

Not remotely as well as Melissa or Jeremy or the Broadway talent spitting out of the shows.
BUT She threw down some solid work in the Grey's Anatomy musical.
Yet… Jeremy is utterly duet/solo caliber and he was stuck in an ensemble song where as Chyler would fit really well into ensemble/easier songs.

I would buy/spotify some of those songs with polish. (Looking at you Benoist…) Come on BerlantiCo I know you like money.

Not enough singing. Not even remotely. Way too much singing talent just across Supergirl and The Flash let alone Arrowverse… I felt like there was time wasted. We knew a musical epiosde was coming since the crossover in S1 of Supergirl… Argh!
Polish up and spotify Superfriends. Bloom did a good job on a short time

Real newspaper perhaps? :3 The Tribune that Cat allegedly did not axe in S1? Supergirl is what she does; Kara is who she is. The reporting will be back.

I enjoy all the CW changes except for Mon-El. If this is Truly Arrowverse then Supergirl should be a bit more early Oliver-y and constantly push away all his girlfriends or have them die or go evil. Alone! Tragic! Okay kidding on that stuff but really stoic Kara and with less focus on wacky/pining romance and more

I could be preconditioned on the Shrill April Meter from 0 to 10 to where the point where this was average to almost below average shrill. Almost more Grumpus Shrill. Also when her crankitude has a reason I am less annoyed for it and it could be Catherine Avery's spell but I felt like April had a reason for her 50% of

I did not want to like this episode given all the promotion for it was "Japril the Sequel". Which isn't my thing. (Yet I liked it.)
The writing worked and even had Mark easter eggs. April was not!shrill April aka the one who came back from her "time with the Army" which is my most tolerable April and the focus on

Lying about it never having been done was meh but it amped the drama. It has been done in South Korea according to a medical journal my guy found in one of his medical journals research indexes that I only half pay attention to.
Grey's has an amazing record of Not making up surgeries. The people drama is ridic but the

I thought that was my dealbreaker in Tree of Life but oddly I did not walk out. The WTF factor and hope of getting back to the narrative kept me in my seat. Trauma value?

I don't know if I can forgive this film after knowing Fleet Foxes was cut… with Bale playing the Bongos. Come on! That seems exactly the sort of weirdness that SHOULD be in this guy's film. I survived To The Wonder for that sort of scene.

So excited to have Elsbeth back and have it be such solid scenes and not pure slapstick. She wins cases after all.

Katie McGrath for season 3. The Perkins to the Knope. They can talk over Kombucha and on the semi-reg (not asking every episode here. MAN this cast is getting big) and it doesn't have to be Cadmus every time. Lets go!

That theme chokes me up. Correct us both but I thought they used it in S1 when she pushed the prison out of Earth for good. (edit: you are right. netflix-ed it. not there. yelling-y but no theme)

Definitely I was thinking "Lena can buy Kara a news outlet of some sort at this point. Especially if it is small digital". Which just adds to my keep Lena as a revised non-omniscient Cat 2.0 hybrid bestie role next season feelings.
Also Alex is fiercely Batwoman-esque in many ways.

She was nominated for a Tony in '98 when she was 13 soooo… grain of salt on the ageism. Or rather that was the grain of salt I took when I read the book because she was out there in the world working and generating life experiences sooner than most.
In the end my thought process was semi-crap and it just turned out to

mooooostly and YES. Sadly not everyone can hit the tiny theaters to see the show BUT they can enjoy Kendrick blowing the house down for some serious running time! Waaay more singing than Into the Woods. That thing you Netflix if you ask yourself "Do I just want to really want to see if Anna Kendrick can sing?"

Oh I totally wasn't thinking of the New B&V comic. But what makes people love B&V enough to have a B&V spin off exist and thrive Decidedly the rebooted Archie and Jughead are superior reboots. Weakest go, sorry Adam Hughes. But the concept behind B&V comics because that existed before the reboots. Sorry I was trying

My jaw just hit the floor. But they are looking to go multi-season on this show. Dawson's Creek INDEED. Also what you have censored is totally plausible with some bumps between here and there. And some longing gazes over shoulders and blah blah blah.

"any and all deconstruction of the Bughead kiss"

enough episodes under my belt to be pretty sure even if they did talk to mark waid their touchstone isn't "Archie" it is "Betty & Veronica"