caffinated dichotomy

The pilot got me way too emotionally invested in Betty & Archie.

Twister had ILM making serious advancements in their crazy for that film. (THE COW!) It is cheese but entertaining cheese and in the theater it was great fun.
Paxton utterly sold it and became a favorite of mine ever since. People like to shove it under a rug in recent years but whenever it came on tv I couldn't change

True! BUT at least they acknowledged in the past there was a plot line where doctors bought the hospital and formed the new board. That alone makes me really happy. They haven't addressed the board all season or its role in hires etc etc etc.

Ultra delayed reaction… they acknowledged Mer owns a chunk of the hospital.

oh Amelia. Grey's has done SEVERAL actress pregnancy/maternity leave cover ups and this has been the worst ever but today was not the worst. I don't know how the character will recover well from this in general. I am not hating on it as hard as some but… compared to other attempts? Pffft.

It first hit me when she gives Kara the push to be a reporter in that first episode and then the tip on Roulette. Also it goes both ways. Couch talks! Cat and Kara had so many. It isn't to say Kara can't have male friends but one female confidant who isn't *Alex to debate ideas with at least somewhat the way she did

There is room. She is holding a white knight. But the memory really shows that if she had looked harder she really was a Luthor after all. Lena seems constantly conflicted. Ambiguity might make her one of the more interesting regulars of the team if they keep her.

W & J have had polar opposites with the writing. Bringing one to work at the DEO has fleshed out his character and made him incredibly more comfortable in his place in the Supergirlverse and I love it. The latter (James!) is floundering, post-S1 rewatch I am like "I liked you as a character! What happened!" but they

CW ch ch ch changes many have been good but Mon-El is not one. He is now my #1 for "please be gone next season". I actually rewatched S1 and nothing in the James-Kara romantic subplot has irritated me as much as Mon-El. You need some Abercrombie going? slap some makeovers on James and Wynn. They are handsome guys lets

Oh crap. Not until I read that.

How is that even real. It sounds too magical to be real.

I seriously can't be the only one who got a little choked up when Diane was nostalgically looking at the picture of her and Will in a dancing moment. Yes yes allegory restarts, redos with partners and firms but choked up. Dancing!
So far The Good Fight has done a lovely job of reminding me of the good things, adding

You know nothing CBS… on how to do online shows. Drop all the episodes at once or actually put it in the tv line up. I watched the first two and it has quality for airtime, in my opinion.

definitely the longest. then you have post-mer assault for shaving another wad of time but not as long. I'd just say it is easy for us to pick out the fast forwards and hard to track down the slow downs so benefit of the doubt we call it proper 2017 in the show and thus 5ish years.
They should be picking fellowships

Season 9 (2012!) is when they were introduced as their intern year of their residency. Greys likes to fast forward and slow down (episodes that span an hour and the next episode is literally the next day) as we all know. Season 10 during the Gala, Murphy does her "I won't be an intern soon because I am about to take

Also her HS from the pilot is an all girls school… no pyramid making cheer squads. Local factoid.
I find all the awkward "we googled some stuff" really funny and totally Britta.

I am pretty much holding Betty as show MVP in terms of writing and then the actress for pulling it all off and grabbing all her scenes and killing it.
It is called 'Riverdale' as you said and Archie is a plot device to make things happen because it can't be all murder all the time. We should acknowledge that the Archie

Yes! I love that the Waid comic has emphasized the car mechanic Betty for the better. I might have shoulder punched the person next to me when this happened.

(Where's Alex? Did he take the day off just to make this B plot with the kid work? Terrifying to have a zero Mer Alex episode.)

I am pretty much giving up hope that this season will acknowledge the Board exists. Even before the hospital was taken over by them "the Board" was always a thing that loomed over even in S1. Now its inconvenient so Poof.