caffinated dichotomy

I hated Steph when she first showed up. Now I will miss her. Amazing swan song episode. Fully fleshed out character arc over the years. Well done. (Minnick I will miss you not.)

Props for a simple sweet Lexie line at last. (Rather than already had a sister barb at Maggie. etc etc.)

A couple nice callbacks & bits of continuity that gave me hope in that episode beyond things that people want to choke people about. (Dance it out being obvious but classic and yes it worked for me.)

I would rather NOT know this season…? it feels like if it hadn't come in as a midseason replacement we should have it drag out a bit… (even if spoilers say otherwise might happen)
However they might have learned from the horribly annoying US version of The Killing S1 when everyone had a seizure from not learning the

To be sure the writing was better in S12 but if you check the writers in S12 vs S13 the writer's room is almost identical for who they are giving credit to on specific episodes. (Thank you wikipedia and Grey's tweets) Grey's does get into writing slumps, but I do tend to see it trend with leaning too hard into

Yes. She totally said that it "make Jesus cry" to Mer and Amelia last week. I laughed so hard I watched that scene twice.

Where did S12 go right? Key actors not taking time off. They are human, they are allowed. They just happened to not do it during S12. Some solid guest stars. Ultimately the writers got to do what they wanted to do and it worked.

Depends which actors are taking reduced schedules… time off… yadda. I swear that kills storylines faster than anything else. The gents ask for it too.

I like that this back season team knows that latter Greys sometimes is better dramatically with the trio of sisters in interaction (so good last season!) and we have seen more of it since Caterina had her baby. If you send Amelia (or Maggie now) wandering plot wise untethered and sometimes bad things happen.

Condolences. Truly.

True. All true. I just did a small dance. Best news heading into the end of the season when I feel things have been lopsided with the "Mon-El issue". Lower the Mon-El time and increase the Lena time. Even if its discussing about stuff she used to discuss about with Cat over Kombucha or whatever. Lena doesn't have to

"Me watching Iron Fist" I don't know if you were kidding Caroline on that screencap, but my face is doing that a lot. Oh Netflix MCU I am spoiled.

The girlfriend Amy returns. Kind of thought she was going to be a cool small character from the pilot with that nice common sense. Then we would have never had the List! Mebbe season 2?

She had the false pregnancy scare and admits she felt relieved when she wasn't pregnant (not to him) and then clearly needs to sort out those feelings. Crap writing to cover up a real actress' pregnancy. People get scared/change their mind/etc etc. I also believe she did tell him she thought she was pregnant and they

Bad. Maternity Leave. Writing.
I have no other defense.

mean streak when high, hyperverbal when sober is how I saw it. I hated how Violet tried to tamp her down.
You are right about the latter about Hunt. However, how is Amelia really supposed to know that… they really rushed into this whole thing. She may have thought she was OK to try again to have kids and I genuinely

I felt Amy's speech was amazing. Simpering Amy isnt Amy. I have loved Amelia since Private Practice and know it is HARD to root for her in this story if you didn't see her back then. How hard her pregnancy was. Lets roll back for a second infer carrying to term a baby you know would be born without a brain purely for

Amelia was brilliant on Private Practice. She has shown moments of that on Greys and most of them before Derek died and that amazing Gina Davis arc. Greys wants drama though.

He is impressive. She is amazeballs. Crushes it. And your feelings.

Now you can hear him sing a LOT in Last Five Years on Netflix. If you like him singing. If thats your thing.