caffinated dichotomy

I am with you on all of it except Amelia.

Come on back Lena Luthor. Just don't be evil because Kara is in some serious need of a bestie with this strange isolationist arc happening. (Seriously lets break the mold and keep Not having an evil Luthor.)

I like her in certain stories she had on Greys. Also You're the Worst was A+. The most recent version of Murphy is great toned down and no crazy intern contest. The redemption/wants to learn from Maggie bit really works for me.

I was more in the "ooo Murphy are you going giving Arizona the look"? Minnick can go drop out a window. I enjoyed the strange Murphy falling over herself over Arizona for like 3 episodes arc and now Callie is gone! Go Murphy go!

JCap maternity leave weird stretch around the beating if I recall proper FYI. When she got back she was uber pissed. Pre-beating lots of jokes about each other's night time visitors wink wink in the prior season which messed with Webber due to his daughter.

ehh. they have been roomies since last season and DeLuca is supposed to be older than the average intern and was an EMT. It made for amusing plot points when he was dating Maggie. Arizona even gave DeLuca the big hug after she came back (Capshaw's maternity leave beginning of the season)

yep. hurts. stopped last season except to re-suffer during cameos.

Not as sour as the "ex girlfriend" line. Felicity should know better.

This. It is the thing we needed that we didn't know we needed. Now its totally necessary. Even that instagram.

People need to chill. She has been doing Broadway since before most people even think about getting in a car to LA with their suitcase.

I was delighted by the show (not saying it was perfect), they had me at Radiohead, but all I really want is…

Well ASP admitted to not watching season 7. Only asking "a friend" about some things that happened and outright ignoring one or two. So we had a lot of character regression and I think Logan suffered the worst. In general Rory's storyline suffered as well for it. Argh Argh Argh. Christopher's scene was just laying

this this this this this. repeat to the beat of your choice.

I was waiting for it since The Flash episode and some behind the scenes clip mentioning hotness. It felt like a given. At least a line if not a full scene.

You may take James but leave J'onn and Lena Luthor be, sir.

Pre-Legends Sara on Arrow was with Oliver exclusively in flashbacks (yacht and island-ish) and in the present minus one smooch to her assassin-ex. CW of the time.
I read it as some post-The 100 situation (for lack of a better term) need to have some more L in the LGBT in their line up. CW of the now.
In the Arrow 100th

I believe TV By The Numbers was saying Arrow had a significant ratings slide this season so crossover plus 100th plus Laurel+Sara return hype seems to have been super effective as intended.


Blerg. I can't say you don't have a lot of merit in your line of thought, but I never found it pathetic sad. Just wistful gut wrenching sad.
Oliver did treat her like crap but there is something to say for treating 99.99% of people that way.
Pre-Island it seemed more ManChild reasons than anything else, raised right

Yay Oliver for being honest, but "hanging on" Laurel? Or just being honest on her deathbed? Sometimes you don't get the one you want and I think that was the case for Laurel.