caffinated dichotomy

Supergirl is OP in this universe so the only justification I had for how easily that Flash vs Supergirl fight went down was Mind-control makes you Dumb. Classic Trope.

After pretty slim usage of Katie McGrath this episode felt meaty and I just want to clap it out. Missed her since Merlin and she really knocked everything out of the park especially those biting mother-daughter moments. I hope that wasn't the bowtie on this character because Cadmus doesn't feel "over" and Kara needs a

It is a blinding chemistry that makes me turn to my friends and ask "wait I didn't just imagine that there right?" every episode Lena shows up in. Alex's storyline is TRULY lovely and Chyler is hitting every note but no chemistry with this Maggie. Find Alex a different girl if CW isn't going to undo it all in some

Rather than defend Rory (oi) my issue is that the storyline really throws the final (and before, it didn't all come at once) season evolution of Logan out the window. (lets put aside his right to an opinion and the christopher factor)

I hit my head on my tablet at those 4 words. ASP intended those to be the original ending? A 20-something year old Rory in what context, maybe a better one or even worse?

Yet Gina still finds the time! Westwood for one a few weeks back. Woman is pro. Everyone else is catching up. Suits was her giving them time.

Bridget is known for her multi-episode engagements, but it would also fall on if The Last Ship had been renewed for another summer, she was still going to be a regular, and lastly when that starts filming. None of which I know.

Greys is on! I could use some joy. Oh that… ow. ow ow ow.

1. I think the Mer comment about marriage was totally about getting a rise out of Repressed Owen more than nothing else. We have seen old Owen from the helicopter episode with Teddy and he was a much livelier charming guy, probably one who kept up better with his sister and his besties. A good hallucination acts the

Pompeo's Resting Cranky Face for Meredith is pretty amazing.

I feel genuinely bad for Camilla. She is lovely. They are writing poorly for her.

true true expired spoiler true

Sicario is a great Emily Blunt moment in a sea of moments.

You're all aces people.

Riggs and Mer! HAH! Predicted by that elevator scene in this season's "Something Against You". It was classic Grey's! End of the episode! They meet for the first time! He offers to buy her a drink while her voice over talks about moving forward! I thought maybe they changed their mind but no…

True! A good impetus for change!

I feel ya but

Okay you Eladrin. Or are you old school and want to call yourself High Elf? (Welcome to the 2 person venn diagram of Grey's & D&D)

I have a lot of sads over the writing. Zoanne Clack is an actual medical doctor so she really excels at episodes that put that first and foremost. I wonder what made her want to write… this thing.

Competing petition is Callie "I used to dance in my underwear" Torres.