caffinated dichotomy

Sara Ramirez has been on since S2, she could be tired. Or it could be a fake out with a legal battle PSA. I've been wrong before, but Penny feels Gooooone. If Callie doesn't go with it does feel like Africa Fake Out 2.0

Callie has always been a weirdo, leap first, think later. Married George in Vegas, lived in the basement, did things mighty backwards with Arizona a few times, yadda. She calls herself out on it when Penny meets Sofia at last.

I really thought Riggs was being setup for Meredith ('elevator scene' from the get go) or Amelia (scene at a bar during the winter hiatus 'finale'), but Maggie makes sense too. Pick a sister, any sister!

That last bit right there.

Indeed a thing I have heard of. Arizona has none of that genetic/surrogacy action going on which makes the story a wee bit more interesting for Grey's drama. If they don't mangle it.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away called early season 8, Arizona had a wee spaz (during a dinner party of course) about the fact they hadn't done any legal paperwork to give Arizona custody rights for Sofia. At the time it was more about Arizona fully accepting she wanted Sophia with no follow up, but lets go

So true! Also lacking delightful Chinese-Latino fusion restaurants.

Cheers barber! And have a lovely day :)

Mycroft Holmes, I did not want to see you ever again. Dang. Upside, coulda been more grating in oh so many ways.

in the Venn Diagram of CBS watchers with anxiety… Elementary and Supergirl renewals were Right Up There.

Of course! I too have lost and somehow ended up in Jersey. More than once. Only shame has kept me from admitting it until now.

Thank you Showrunners for backgrounding Wynn, Jim, and Lane. Not to mention using a plot device that kept them all "important" but not as much dialogue. It really allowed for more Cat and Maxwell which, for me, focused in the central episode bomb debate and make a shaky episode really work for me. I even think I have

Elektra cross the river into Jersey? Never! I figured finally taught Matt to use the subway to a boro diner.

Definitely like the difference of opinion. Enjoy reading both.

i liked JJ but the screens/hospital bit was truly a low point. Magic!

Add the big big hospital scene. Did he float about the entire hospital infecting everyone and was juiced up to the point where suggestion over the com system was enough? I'd have taken magic any day of the week.

Grey's medical got pitched this bit as an actual "this happened to me" during one of their research hunts. I think the story was just too cool (for them) not to use it. (wow I read too much grey's twitter)

I vibe on a lot of what you are saying. Also avoiding spoilers, I agree this is probably the strongest episode for her, but the follow up is also fantastic. Kinbaku and the following as a double up are electrifying. I'd also love to dig into that … in the next review.

Dear Shawn EH,
You get me.
Sincerely, the one whose comment got turned into a debate on how to address a reviewer on AVClub.

your comment, La Pipe, is epic. Exactly why Matt/Karen doesn't work for me… yet.