caffinated dichotomy

Sava gets a lot of hate across various shows and I was avoiding adding to the dog pile and trying to focus on a totally derailed opinion. You might be right. Its all subjective here.

yes and no… too much lab equipment and fake science talk… and then the power up sequence… Plot point? Sorta? because of how it was used to power him up and because of the nature of it made them think they could create an "antivirus". Didn't mean to get into JJ in Daredevil comments tho. Apologies.

Indeed there is a byline. I disagree with this review but it isn't personal. I was going for a systematic disagreement on a variety of points made throughout the review. Offering a dissenting opinion. Was trying not to make it personal at least. Thanks for saying I was "ripping" on him though because it gave me the

Ooo. I can see that. Very Betty vs Veronica. Ultra Trope. the plague of casting tho. Still doesn't insult my feminist female vibes. But I respect your issue.

I'd be more off put by the scenario if it wasn't for the fact that it is a great mirror for a theme of the season which is clearly balancing being Matt vs being Daredevil. The nice normal that can come with being just Matt vs the addictive violence that is Daredevil.

Daredevil people don't get (or care) how journalism, the law, or medicine work. (Oh boy does Jessica Jones not get remotely how viruses work. My eye developed a tic.) Give yourself a lobotomy now. Or just decide superhero tv is allowed to work on another plane because the focus sure ain't realism. Went with the latter

Ooo. I hadn't thought of that comparison. Hard to have that conversation without spoiling later episodes of this season and the entire Lila arc. Though I would say I don't see Lila as an Elektra past this point.

Sir, on the matter of Elektra as you have presented in this review, I disagree on much. Yung felt like a revelation in Kinbaku. Elodie Yung is in *this* Daredevil and I find her fantastic.

I would say less nitpick and more showing the overt laziness of… listening to dialogue. (edit: oi that comment feels meaner than intended. my bad)

Exactly. Not explicit in the show but they joke about it in several comics.

April/Owen I don't see BUT

34th and 11th would be the worst idea for the flavor of the entire neighborhood and the creepy southern industrial edge. I used to be up on 55th and that is night and day. If you are in more between 46th and 59th from B-Way to 9th you get a lot more of the residential flavor the show likes to portray. It is a block to

I finally got a Three Sisters episode and I am more struck with Penny. I hated Penny when she was introduced as Callie's gf and transferring resident. I really really did.

Vague weird TV writer inclination to keep the Devil in Hell's Kitchen? Matt Murdock having at least some sense that he can't remotely cover the entirety of sprawling Manhattan? An "on the street" hero probably needed to keep his radius of influence low. Matt Murdock can only hear so far and only has so many hours in

If someone says "The Kitchen" one more time I might poke my eye out. WE NEVER CALL IT THAT. It feels like some response to everyone doing shots last year whenever someone said the city/my city. Yeah they said it too often but at least that is something people say.

If Daredevil left his zone then Spider-Man would come up and say "BOUNDRIES DUDE."

Yay for the writers to have Elektra call him Matthew when he goes by Matt in a very Claire Underwood kind of way.

It isn't 100% Parisian and it is higher education at that.

"Catch the bad girl. Bring her back here so she can't hurt anyone. 85% chance of punching." Ahh Kara's idea of a plan is totally on point and adorable. Somehow Barry Allen made her MORE ADORABLE.

Righto. I meant Jo and Steph. Spazzed.