caffinated dichotomy

I think your point is well made. That comics adapted tv can be a lot more amorphous but that doesn't stop a ton of commentary about desired plot lines, which version is better, etc etc that should have a venue. There are those of us who just want to talk about this product as it stands on its own two legs. It does

It depends on the doctor. Most of them are way too well off to have to live in a trailer so its kitsch.

My Husband Killed Jon Snow and I still have to live in Ireland: The Continuing Adventures of Amanda Peet

Aaaand Elementary fans killing for a Moriarty episode (and the writers who talk about it too much) have one last chance!

This comment purely exists to emphasize how great your comment is Evil Lincoln.

Like Viv said Mer put it on the market to sell. Oddly awkward unresolved part is the trailer. "The House That Derek Built" was on a considerable amount of land which included his trailer aka Owen's current home. So you gotta wonder if Owen bought the trailer from Mer and moved it somewhere.

The Ellis part I remember discussing with a friend when the purple scrub cap first appeared, but I have no time to find proof. It could all be a well crafted hallucination from over 200+ episodes of this show. Lets go with end of Friday hallucination.

Hrm. I was just spewing as they showed up but did put Penny in as the next joining round but in terms of what you are saying… you are right.

Thank you…? With great encyclopedic memory power comes great responsibility.

Yep. Replaced the purple homage to Ellis scrub cap. (edit: no evidence to the former. probably wrong.) She pulled it out of his locker when they were cleaning it out at the end of last season/start of this one. Another tearjerker moment.

Ehh. 4 to 5.

Ferry boats scrub cap. That moment where Meredith remembers to take it off and then squeezes it for a second before she hides it. Really nice touch and not heavy handed.

There was also young asian female who almost messed up the elevator marathon in the season finale. Interns always start in packs of 4! Then get thinned out down by the wolves…

Mostly I am still squinting and saying "Wait. Thats the actress from The Killing? nooooo."

Mer was Alex's Best Man. Its so easy to forget that their friendship was years in the making. I always like it when they mine that well. I also definitely want them to spend more time on Mer and Amelia. There is a lot of promise there for interesting storytelling. Amelia's sass is missing from Meredith's life

because it wasn't like the music wasn't a huge part of the entire experience of the original.

Only thing I would want from more FLCL is more The Pillows. Which is doable as they still exist… but…

I get your ire and I would love to have spoiler free review and comment space. I won't comment on Sava specifically because this is my first go around with him, can't judge. (Caroline's binge reviews did benefit from lack of advanced viewing and comic knowledge in that regard but she was in a hurry too.) Inside the

Which is a bit of my point.

There seems to be a constant seizure between comic reader canon semi-purists on what they want/expect and then those who don't care or haven't read thus just want the show to be good.