caffinated dichotomy

Decidedly similar default accents due to Claudia's "my grandmother made me clean up my Australian" accent and Elodie's "I'm French but I also went to school in England" accent. They can play accent mishmosh up together.

You would be surprised how much of this was filmed in Brooklyn. Also a ton of shows. They have found ways to make filming in NYC cheap or cheaper than it used to be and Brooklyn is one of them.

My brain without having seen the next episode completely rationalized this kill due to the fact it would be terrible for The Hand to know exactly where Daredevil and Elektra were hiding out. Also eventually Daredevil's identity via name on the lease if they didn't get around to killing him soon.

Matt feels way more spastic and calls her "sweetie" when she is bleeding out in the car chase. Talk about whiplash from the episode before. Talk about changing yourself. He is emotionally all in with Elektra without even breaking up his "we aren't labeling it" with Karen. After tons of rhetoric about needing to

I simultaneously find the actuality of Foggy to be a waste of screen but recognize the theoretical importance of the character.

Thanks for that rant. I suspected and now I know.

Indeed. Yung's double has deltoids bigger than her head so its easy to spot the switch. I was impressed how much of it was actually Yung even after I heard she had the background for it.

As a childhood fan of Mr. Magoo, I spat my coffee. Glad someone else caught that quip.

Not the first time I have heard it. Also if the Uncharted film idea ever comes back (please God no) there is a cadre of people who think Elodie Yung is pretty much the only candidate for Claudia's Chloe Frazier. Looks and all.

I am guessing the established more grounded (for a superhero show) Hardboiled Crime and Adventures in Law with Nelson and Murdock aspects of Daredevil is going to go to the wayside. Though trailers don't lend themselves to "Lets show Matt, Foggy and Karen sitting around a table going through paperwork." Actually, I

I was and am going to give Cat the benefit of the doubt in knowing that any sort of SSRI takes more than a few days to show any sort of results in the fact that she also told Supergirl she needed to lay low for a while.

"Don't worry it happens to the best of us and I am happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro. That is if your brain will respond to the SSRIs."

In the return of The X-Files, even Scully had The Hair. I didn't think about it at the time, but now I am annoyed. From trend setter to trendy.

She killed it in Porgy and Bess. That Tony was all too deserved. Yet another character with in pain and crazy hard songs but in a completely different way…

Sci-Fi Medicine? Seriously? With a little digging you can find out the craziest surgeries this show has shown are actually real. There is a reason that Grey's writing staff has a full time research team. (and their twitter is @greysmedical)

Having their first interaction being in a classic Grey's Anatomy elevator scene really feels like they are setting Riggs up to be a romantic pairing with Meredith.

I'd love to point out that in many ways this episode returns to the promise of last season's final shot. The three sisters.

This show survives on the back of Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh (and Flockhart) delivering some great acting to smooth over some half backed screenwriting. Also because those writers always bring it home to Kara's overwhelming empathy, Alex's love of family, and Cat's strange yet very sane and even enlightened

It wasn't sure Eric Dane wanted to leave. He had a ton of time left on his contract. Shonda and the writers pulled him into a room and gave him options. Well documented in the histories of Greys. They even offered him moving to Private Practice. The stuff that wasn't under NDA was very talked about

ya think show-Brienne of Tarth was really going to Not kill him?