Guys, Jon Stewart is stepping down from The Daily Show and we need to start a petition to get Jessica Williams the spot asap. Girl is the best thing on TV.
Guys, Jon Stewart is stepping down from The Daily Show and we need to start a petition to get Jessica Williams the spot asap. Girl is the best thing on TV.
OH LOL. I didn't even notice that was a typo.
Your aunt sounds awesome AF.
That, and everyone knows condoms aren't 100% effective. The only real, true way to keep him from being born is to teach his parents abstinence-only education, because it is 100% foolproof.
"You must go back in time and give Obama's dad a condom."
These people are idiots. Everyone knows that you only have to stop him from planting the birth certificate in HI.
As a black woman, I think she has the right to cry foul about a white woman, in the same genre as her, is getting far more press and attention for what are clearly inferior skills. There is a history of black people needing to be twice as good as white people to be considered half as good. Eminem's music has a lot of…
Azealia is wrong for using the word faggot, full stop.
Also someone needs to tell her (and everybody else) the term "faggot" is 100% incompatible with feminism
She's right about the double standard but she's wrong for continuously saying the word faggot. I don't know why it's so hard for her not to use it when there are a million other insults that you can use that aren't marginalizing.
Yeah, like, this write-up isn't tacit approval of what she said, right? Because while I'm not saying gay men can't be misogynistic (obvs), that rant was 100% unambiguously homophobic and awful. Being marginalized yourself doesn't give you the right to marginalize others.
At the airport, a cameraman asked, "Kanye, when you said Beck needs to respect artistry, are you implying he's not an artist?" West then clarified his comments.
Dear Azealia Banks,
I love love love her music and some of the things that she says are so on point. That radio interview- she can be very perceptive and articulate. But she is wrong in many many ways and it's a shame she can't listen and reflect on what people are saying to her.
"The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag." Putting this on a cross stich sampler immediately.
Seriously. There is absolutely no reason why she deserves anyone's support or defense.
Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.
Also friends, Taylor Swift and Kanye West.
Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?
"Delete your texts and pics dude!"