Sherlock Rhodes

is this article implying that Lisa Bonet was probably abused by Cosby?

Please see response to CollierLA in regards to white and black subculture meeting. Hoping to prevent another Columbus from happening

Just throwing this in there, but there is a serious disconnect when black subculture and white subculture meet together. Black people don't really care to understand the way how white people try to converse with each other, however when its comes to black people and the way we converse within ourselves, our slangs and

Happy Birthday Long Ride. I hope you're doing ok. Turning 30 isn't the milestone everyone makes it out to be. In fact, you're only a day older than your 29 year old self. I turned 30 in an airport after a huge delay meant I had to stay overnight in Le Shit Motel with 2 cats and screaming 5 year old. We had to board

Childhood is insisting you are too grown up for a nap. Adulthood is wishing desperately that you could squeeze in a nap.

I read the OP's comment and thought I was missing something. Thirst, as it's used here, has been a thing for at least four solid years now.

Amongst people who actually know what's going on, thirst is already a thing.

Her natural hair color is an ashy toned brown. Mine is the same. I don't have many red tones but my hair is brown, so I go blonde easily. She also is not a POC, like Raven-Symone. Raven-Symone's hair is likely coarser and drier than Gwen Stefani's hair and likely needs way stronger developer and time to lighten her

Deb Harry worked the dark roots thing for all it's worth decades ago, so it can work, but it's the quality of the blonde that bugs me. Flame red, burgundy, blue, anything is better than brass. Love the cut on her, tho.

I like the pantsuit, I think Raven wears it well. Shoes are super cute, too bad she didn't have lipstick in that shade. The backpack just adds clutter I think, and I wish the hair were a solid color. To each her own I guess. :/

When your hair is super dark and you have bleached hair, you usually have to wait until your roots are a certain length until you can get them touched up. I have dark hair and when my hair was platinum, it was the same way. I had to have a certain amount of regrowth because if the bleach overlaps on to already

I think parents should be able to let their own 16-20 year old children have a drink at a party every now and then. I do not think it's cool to have a party in which they serve boos to other people's 16-20 year old kids without the consent of their parents. If all of the parents are informed and the host parents are

so much hormones

perhaps those kinds of events shouldn't be thrown by parents

This isn't parents letting their kids do crazy shit, it's the parent carrying out crazy shit through the kid and unapologetically, publicly so.


Lake, who is an attorney specializing in medical marijuana cases

Filed to: White people doing whatever the fuck.

Lingerie clad or not, a party of 150-200 teenagers sounds completely insufferable.