Detective Gino Felino

Very aptly described. I happen to still enjoy and appreciate The Running Man very much for a number of reasons (an evil Richard Dawson being one).

Perhaps, though as far as I can recall, the studio didn’t invoke King’s name in the promotional material or title. If they did, it was done sparingly. I do know that while King wasn’t particularly fond of the finished product, he wasn’t compelled to litigate over it.

I too wondered how The Lawnmower Man is not listed here until I considered that the film’s story has so precious little in common with King’s source material (hence him filing and winning a lawsuit against New Line Cinema because they dared use his name in the title and promotional material). 

Right. My mistake. Thankfully, much of his GOP base didn’t trust his contradicting and flip-flopping ass enough to secure him the win.

Right, and fuck Oprah for giving that piece of shit quack Dr. Oz a platform as well (which also damn near made him a State Senator).

Surely this fuckwit violated the New York State Bar Association code of conduct and will face their Disciplinary / Grievance Committee. Hopefully this will result in his disbarment.

“I have never seen it, but by all accounts, it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”

I couldn’t have articulated it any better. On many occasions I’d see glimpses of what appeared to be genuine cruelty in him

Although you may be a mediocre hack of a writer, Gabrielle, I find it difficult to believe that you’re too dense to fathom why it’s unwise for websites to publish articles with major spoilers in their titles the next day. We’re not buying the “other sites fuck over their readers too” explanation at all. Not for a

I would include here 1998's Daysleeper. Nevertheless, this is indeed a solid list.

Mr. Scobel,

Do you care to enlighten us on why you’d post something like this, you fucking hack? It’s obvious, but we’d like you to admit that you and this once excellent site have become reliant on cheap clickbait tactics.

Kindly go fuck yourself.

My thoughts exactly. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind seeing The Root, Jezebel, and Deadspin follow them out as well

He really was quite extraordinary in comedic roles and made an otherwise mediocre episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia worth watching.

At this point it appears almost pathological, doesn’t it? 

A number of years back, I’d often see Mr. Shannon in my old Brooklyn neighborhood (I’m assuming that he too resided there). And because he’s quite tall and has such a distinct appearance, he’s one of those celebrities who is instantly recognizable.

This indeed is an exceptionally asinine bit of advice. And where pray tell should we put the snow after we’ve shoveled it from our lawns? Back on our goddamned sidewalks and driveways? What utter nonsense, Jeff.

“What do you say we slip into a room and you two split me a coconut?”

The way he delivers that line never fails to make me laugh.

Now playing

This moment always stands out to me. The pure unspoken menace in Sizemore’s eyes so succinctly communicates to the fellow diner that it would be in his best interest to resume reading his fucking newspaper.

I’m reminded of what Chris Rock said about Michael Jackson possibly serving time:

Particularly for new emojis.

“Jeez, how on earth did you manage to so royally fuck up your iPhone?”

“I really wanted that new smiley emoji.”