
Sorry again. Didn't see that a few dozen others had already chimed in. Didn't mean to pile on.

Sorry, but nope. In 1977 it was just Star Wars. The whole Episode IV: A New Hope thing was added for a re-release. Source: me, who saw it multiple times on its initial release when I was in my twenties and again on re-releases.

The original print of the theatrical cut was only “Star Wars” because it wasn’t a saga (it was actually “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller” in earlier script drafts). It was then changed so the opening crawl said “Episode IV: A New Hope”, but it wasn’t part of the marketing. Theater marquees and home releases just

So there's no way this movie ends with anything other than Leia being chased right?

Go home George, you’re drunk.

Except it wasn’t. “Episode IV: A New Hope” wasn’t added until the first re-release right before Empire Strikes Back’s release. In the original theatrical cut, the scroll has no heading.

You are not on trial, but you are on Kinja. Just star the people who correct you for the next three days and forget about, Jake. It’s Chinatown.

“But, you see, sir, I have an official source. An official source! Surely that merits your attention and acknowledgement!”

A Star Wars was “Episode IV: A New Hope” when it was in the theaters in ‘77.

My posts are only 75.9% actual bullshit. The rest is old newspapers and celluloid by-products (for added texture).

Nope. In ‘77 it was just Star Wars. The episode IV bit was added later, prior to the resale of Empire.

Being wrong doesn’t make you a troll.

Aaaa crap, I didn’t see the other responses!! Sorry for the accidental pile-on! : (

No, the New Hope didnt get tagged on till 1981. And it was definitely not on the 1977 release,I know because I saw it in 1977. And as Simon Pegg said, “You wouldn’t understand, you weren’t there at the beginning!”

*Fact check: You’re incorrect. The 1977 release wasn’t called Episode IV: A New Hope on the covers/posters or in the opening title crawl until the theatrical re-release right before the video release in 1982. Before that only, it only said “A New Hope” in the title crawl and never on the posters. “Episode IV: A New

The new hope moniker actually didn’t show up until 1981, when it was re-released in theaters! So you must have seen both the original in 77 and obviously gone back in 81, since that was the only way to see it again!

Now playing

1981 re-release had the subtitle, but the original 1977 release did not. Then again, you may have been joking, in which case I didn’t get it and I need to lay off the heavy lunches, feeling drowsy.

“A New Hope” sounds like something Massengill would have sold during the Ford administration.

If you saw the film in theaters