
If it's too hard to NOT be an asshole to a six year old, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be a teacher.

All forms of advertiser-driven media have to be cognizant of whether or not advertisers will want their products associated with the content.

So basically, Youtubers will have to follow basic TV standards, avoid strong language and controversial subject matters to keep the advertisers happy if they want to keep earning revenues.

Definitely not better. Just don’t, dude. It’s great that you’re enjoying the con to such an extent, but don’t let your enthusiasm destroy someone else’s enjoyment.

His Mexico visit was to show the base how “tough” he is. I ain’t afraid of no Mexicans! I’ll go tell them how it is!

I remain sick and tired of people with guns.

I’m sick and tired of demonstrably, dangerously violent criminals being allowed to keep their guns.

Why the fuck was he released from jail? He had just kidnapped her, assaulted her and a judge decides it a-ok to let him out with an ankle bracelet?

Reports are that early this morning, Lifetime executives with briefcases full of contracts for the next of kin descended upon Pittsburgh like a pack of hungry vultures.


Yeah, righy. If I pissed myself and a Google car drove by, I’d totally preemptively make up a story to pretend it was a cleaning keg or something.

Oh, probably. Bring a warm coat, though. And a toque. Nobody cares how dumb you look wearing it because you know what really looks dumb? Having no ears because they froze off. But yeah, probably.

I don’t know. I just don’t know. Can I come stay with you, wherever you are, if he wins?


I’ve been avoiding this guy for awhile because I don’t live in America, and have more important things to pay attention to (donuts & brew) but Trump is waaaaaaaaaay scarier now than he was a month and a half ago, and he was fucking terrifying then. I don’t know. You guys might be pooched. What the fuck, eh? Like, what

Hey America!

It looks like she totally did and I find that adorable.

You aint even half wrong

Funniest fucking thing I’ve seen all day - thank you.

His protest isn’t disrespectful to us veterans at all. This lifelong Niners fan (who's never been a Kap fan) and veteran never had an issue with his manner of protest.