
Sloth is great! HAIL SITTIN'!

When someone points to a half a glass of water and asks you if you see it as ‘half-empty’ or ‘half-full’? Throw the water on them, and ask them if they are "half-wet" or "half-dry?"

Wait. Is this all because she’s now living as a woman but still sounds like a dude and 15 year old boys make fun of her for it?

Ball spray is the snake oil we deserve.

Ball spray is the snake oil we deserve.

What makes you think this pandemic is going to end?

Shake Shack is trash.

.... schlocky B-movie, roughly hewn and dated as hell.”

So, these humans colonized Earth?

Maybe we’ve never seen the subterranean breeding chambers where they keep the female broodstock in chains.

As their hive queen, it seems like Smurfette should be bigger... Although it’s possible she straps her cloaca into a contraption like the Xenomorph queen.


At least we have The Disease - carrying with it the promise of death’s sweet release. It’s no giant meteor, but in Trump World everything is kinda half-assed.

Speaking of a Hanna-Barbera shared universe...

Someone needs to tell him The Good News!

It’s like any world religion or astrology or ghost hunting. It can be interesting or entertaining, but yeah... it’s pretend.

Can I get some Solomon Grundy in any of these TV DC offerings?

Hold on... Let’s not be hasty. Has Morrissey weighed in yet? He might tellitell us it was really The Globalist Jewish Conspiracy.

Cancel my vegan subscription!