
It’s like the band Wham!. It was tedious and insipid the first time around. Why should I revisit it?

Hey, why not "no.?"

I think he's reaching.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to have a fruity little hobby, shall not be infringed!

Meanwhile, Cardi B is accusing celebrities who have announced that they have Coronavirus of being paid to pretend they have Coronavirus.

From Beyond is a masterpiece of exploitation cinema. 

Tell her that she's disgraced herself, and disgraced the Sholin Temple. Then take her in a manly way.

Tell her that she's disgraced herself, and disgraced the Sholin Temple. Then take her in a manly way.

Um, William... Is your schtick that we shouldn’t enjoy things? This all seems very sweet and earnest.

Now playing

It wouldn’t affect their timing or chemistry.





Im not suggesting you can't read. I'm suggesting that the bin was mislabeled.

Idris is probably a muscular 225.

We’re so bored as a society that we’re voyeuring other people being bored? This is sad, people. It’s early on. This isn’t sustainable.

If that’s the case, working it around a cave in was clever.

Are you sure you didn’t buy licorice* root by mistake? Tumeric is a rhizome, like ginger. It’s softer than a potato, and a little wet. Your fingers will be yellow for a week.
