
Yeah, it’s not like Jesus Christ was a Jewish Sociali- wait.

Oh Bernie, what won’t you do next?

It’s weirdly comforting to know that, come what may, the AV Club will try to stir up the long-burned out embers of the Ghostbusters (2016) controversy whenever they have the opportunity.

Hemsworth’s dog named Mike Hat.

That tweet is unavailable, so I will never know who “this guy” is.

119 essential episodes, and also the one with Rich Little.

“Five essential episodes” implies they aren’t all essential, which is patently absurd.

Capaldi is possibly my favorite modern Doctor. Heaven Sent might be the single best episode of the show since the revival.

Let’s not forget, you’re outraged at JK Rowling for having the sheer audacity to only agree with 95% of the trans rights activism.

Sure, because Eddie Izzard is not a conservative, and make no mistake, woke culture has nothing to do with progressive liberalism. It is conservative extremism with a different set of priorities. Liberals don’t attempt to silence or “cancel” anyone they disagree with. Liberals don’t try to purge art of ideas and

This beating up of Rowling is getting old. You go back to the original statement that caused this ruckus and its not a fraction as ‘offensive’ as the media’s retelling of the story implies. Is J.K. Rolling a 20-something suburban American hipster who struts around wearing being ‘woke’ on their sleeve? No she isn’t.

Meanwhile, my neighborhood in Texas has never by this quiet.

“We looked around for 30, 45 minutes and couldn’t find anybody,” said Blackwell.

This is why one shouldn't scroll through an article without reading. My first thought upon seeing this was "Stealth? That's the crappiest attempt on stealth I've ever seen!"

Sigh, would somebody PLEASE work on this instead? That'll be great thanks.

I think at $150 a pen, Crayola isn't too worried....

Having attended many meetings in my professional capacity as a librarian, I call a group of librarians a "nitpick". A nitpick of librarians will be attending the ALA annual conference this June.

"Who really gives a hoot about the price of tea in China?"

The US accounts for 37% of the military spending on the entire planet. I'd start there.