
Honestly, y’all can get busy living or you can get busy dying. It’s your choice. But, honestly, you can die another day. You can rend your clothes and jump off a cliff AFTER we’ve lost and not a damn second before.

I picked the wrong year to stop drinking. I swear I keep threatening to start again. Nov 24 will be 1 year. Dear God I hope I can make it!

Keep blaming RBG for not retiring when not voting for HRC in 2016 led to the appointments of 2 SCOTUS seats

Hopefully, this is the kick in the ass this website needs to stop publishing irresponsible journalism picking apart Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You can do that after they're elected and a new SCOTUS nomination is made. And a big FUCK YOU to anyone who didn't vote for Hillary in 2016

Welp. 2016 fully came home to roost. This is why voting for one of the two candidates that will actually win matters.

So judging from the comments on here, there’s just not really a way to offer criticism of a Democratic ticket (which I’m voting for.) You just can’t do it or you personally want Trump to reign forever. Even if it’s not so much criticism as it is personal feelings surrounding something you are told is supposed to mean

Britney Spears is below Lil Kim? In what world?

You make a really good point and I admire your commitment to the long game. Trying to shock and awe this lady into seeing the error of her ways is likely just going make her feel like Victim (TM). A much better approach would be to have her do the long slog of checking her fucking privilege at the front door every day

Why on earth was she hiding out in the one country absolutely hellbent on arresting her?  Nothing in her story makes any fucking sense.

I assume the GOP will be playing the Clinton connection angle hard here for the election year. Completely ignoring the fact that Bill Clinton hasn’t run for president in more than 20 years.

This bugs me too because I read all my news so I have not actually heard her name pronounced.

It’s such a conflicted position, wanting every piece of dirt about him to come out and get as much publicity as possible, but also wanting to think and read and learn as little about him as I can. I’m in the same boat. I really don’t want to devote hours of my life to reading more about what an awful fucking human he

Her white hand and brown face are too distracting in this picture.

I love Sharon Stone.
I love that she is aging gracefully and phenomenally, she looks very happy, she has done an insane amount of charity work, and seems to be living her best life.

The Congressional Black Caucus was apparently responsible for this decision, which was meant to memorialize Floyd, but the move still came across as something more suited to a Veep subplot than real life.

They did a lot to normalize “non-traditional” families. There was also Phoebe being a surrogate for her brother, Rachel deciding to be a single mother (but eventually co-parent with Ross), and Monica and Chandler adopting.

Jesus. The literal Birmingham Jail. You’d think they’d have a better sense of optics,

I assume Officer Pigfucker has his name redacted because you’ve lodged an official complaint and publishing his identity would give them an excuse to block it. Your experience must have been terrifying and I’m thankful you

Yes!! Stack those fucking charges. If it's feasible with regular citizens who somehow always end up with 5-6 charges, find them for these assholes. Assault, failure to render first aid, fuck I don't know but THEY DO and they successfully do it to everyone that isn't a fucking cop so let's see that happen this time.

A special star for calling out all the Housewife shit. Watch it if you must but I don’t want to read about it, think about it or most definitely watch it. Obviously there is an audience out there for it but clearly not the same audience that reads/comments at Jezebel on the regular. 

the pageantry is silly, but the whole UK parliament is built on royal prerogative and to change that would mean that lots of other things could be changed on the fly. So I don’t know, the Queen shows a lot of respect for that and I think she deserves some respect in return.