Lol, no you aren’t. You don’t give two shits about corruption. You just don’t like the side you hate gets away with doing the same things. You don’t need to defend the actions of the elites, ya fuckin’ dweeb. They don’t know you exist.
Lol, no you aren’t. You don’t give two shits about corruption. You just don’t like the side you hate gets away with doing the same things. You don’t need to defend the actions of the elites, ya fuckin’ dweeb. They don’t know you exist.
These are BRIBES.
Angel Reese seems to be someone who goes out of her way to be offended by things.
Terrific. Can I call her a classless asshole now and not be labeled a racist for it?
I saw a really good analysis of this yesterday and basically it came down to that Jill Biden obviously meant well but totally stepped in it and came off as a little racist, and rightfully apologized. Folks, she’s a community college professor - “everyone wins” is like her entire career, she’s not a sports person. If…
It is my guess (and I could certainly be wrong,) that the Obamas probably don’t appreciate getting dragged into penny ante Twitter drama that has nothing to do with them, and probably aren’t interested in being manipulated by a 20-year-old into helping to pants their very good friends, the Bidens (who are clearly more…
“Look at me. I’m still nailed to the cross.”
Bored with this story and with her. Clark won’t take her bait. Biden apologized. Maybe she can find a dog to pee on her shoes and say it was racism.
“it’s funny how it’s just assumed that SHE is lying and at fault here (because she’s...famous?”
From what I loosely understand, there are a number of things that work against the plaintiff: (1) it appears that he was the uphill skier (possibly the most important fact), (2) his testimony contradicts the ski instructor’s testimony (who is much more likely to be neutral), (3) he began by asking for an obscene…
Yeah as much as I’m enjoying her defense (she had to go to the spaaaaaa!), I’m seeing two possibilities here:
Nah f that... for as much of a smug asshole as she can be, you don’t sue somebody for colliding with them on the slopes unless they were doing something really f*ed up. Next thing ya know, people will be suing other people in a mosh pit cuz they got an ouchie at a concert.
The punchline about getting an affluent white woman to own up to anything would have landed a lot better if it seemed like Paltrow was at fault.
Or maybe, just MAYBE, he actually is at fault here? There isn’t much to go on, and chat messages uncovered during discovery directly confirm that unlike their sworn testimony, Sanderson and the only eyewitness (who knows him) were ABSOLUTELY aware that Paltrow was the other party in the crash at the time it happened.
The boyfriend’s behavior is what made it weird along with the fact that she was documenting her life online. The footage came out later.
How about we don’t make missing women part of the racial oppression olympics?
What you say is partly true. Yes, no doubt about the pretty white girl thing. But one of the big reasons this has been sensationalized by the media is because of the hour long police body cam documenting a young couple in the midst of a total meltdown. Factor in the assumption that an engaged couple taking a trip…
Yeah I’m a trans woman and calling this “misgendering” feels kind of insulting, honestly. If you say you’re comfortable with two sets of pronouns, you can’t act like it’s this massively egregious thing for people to default to one or the other. I get that people always defaulting to “cis” pronouns feels like they’re…
No! It’s on us to read people’s minds (or deep dive their Instas) to first know what pronouns they prefer, and also to know which are to be used in different contexts.
The Duck Dynasty look creeps me all the way out.
Gotta be honest, I’m not lovin’ the new look.