This is...relevant to my interests.
This is...relevant to my interests.
Here’s the thing I’m not understanding. These sites can only survive if there are enough eyeballs on them. One might suppose that the volume of commentators might help with ad revenue and driving traffic to the site. But from the dearth of posts it would appear that there is no where near the engagement that there…
She looks like she was made out of all the crap God had left over after building Britney Spears.
I have had enough money to get the psychological care I needed. It still took a fuckload of excruciating work on my part. Trauma compounds trauma, so a person who, for instance, had a mother routinely overdose in front of her and had to give her CPR as a child, then was raped as an adolescent, and doesn’t get…
Are there actual people that don’t drink before flying?
I have hated Azaeaioleauia Banks always (my first knowledge of her was some Twitter fight; I listened to the one song people liked and it sucked), but she’s coming after Lizzo now?
As someone who grew up in Hillsborough, and now a Pinellas resident this makes me sad. I think it’s better over here. I completely agree with you though that Gandy is already a nightmare.
Of course they’re not going to let him play with the same helmet he’s played in his whole career. A Steelers helmet would look stupid with a Raiders uniform.
Moby has always seemed very thoughtful and introspective and major advocate for all things progressive. His apology seemed very genuine to all involved. He has a history of severe mental health issues, which I don’t doubt are rearing their ugly heads and are the contributing factor to him cancelling his tour.
Next time i go to the barber im going to tell him to keep
my sideburns long , in remembrance. RIP.
I think you meant “Gen X”. But that’s ok, we’re used to being invisible.
Yup. Already saw a “if only she’d endorsed the candidate that could win in 2016" tweet making the rounds.
Pretty much... although in Harry’s defence, he has spoken about his mistakes from his “lol, I’m a teenage/early 20-something white male, being all edgy and shit” phase. He does seem to regret them and to have truly matured past a lot of that shit, which I think is a little bit admirable, considering all of his…
Right? Giving the Queen shit for seeming old and out of touch at this point is so...yawn. Let us not also forget this is the same feisty 92-year old who committed legendary acts of shade against Drumpf with the clever use of BROOCHES. Show some damn respect.
I am voting for whatever Democrat makes it to the General Election. I don’t care if they are moderate or so far left they fall off the end of the world. I have had enough of this shit.
Yes, you definitely know a relationship is there for the long haul when you haven’t run out of things to talk about by week 2.
I always like to point out articles like this to libertarians and Republican types who claim that we don’t need to regulate business because the free market will prevent stuff like this. How did that work out for all those people who developed cancer?
I agree with some of what you’ve said here, but the Jason Momoa thing happened this year, maybe last depending on how long production took. It wasn’t ten years in the past- he defaced his coworker’s property because she wasn’t paying enough attention to him within the last 18 months. He deserves to be dragged for…
I refuse to believe that Justin Timberlake has interesting enough sex to need a safe word.