Fuck her.
I believe Michael Stipe said Kurt wanted more acoustics on the next record and he was gonna help record. Supposed to be more like Unplugged. If he would have gone that route then hed have a better chance at longevity, I imagine. No band can appeal to the angsty teens forever.
Kim looks like a poorly made Cher wax figure.
So I might see Cats the Musical the Movie? I feel weird.
She looks like Elizabeth Warren if Elizabeth Warren got a Mommy Makeover on the back half of a Very Special Valentine’s Day Episode of the Dr. Phil show in 2004.
Can I just take this opportunity to say that I hated Kanye before it was cool?
Yes! And there's been more than once where I wonder why Kim Cattrall had such a damn problem with Meghan Markle of all people lol
There is legitimately a photo of my family where my three year old self is on a leash, and our dog isn’t.
The Hate U Give isn’t in wide release until this Friday, Loving Pablo got shitty reviews, and Bad Times at the El Royale and First Man sort of flopped at the box office.
I was also with you up until leashes. I’ve never felt any need for one with my 2 year old. But I’m pregnant with twins and will have 3 under 3. The lady from my twin class says, for many twin parents, you adjust really quickly to the need for them.
Exactly. There was a silent majority that went to the polls and got him elected for a reason. I live in a conservative area and I watched that shit in action right after the election. There was a huge rift in one of my groups when some Trump voters ‘outed’ themselves. The right has learned how to play the game and not…
Makes sense. You know the saying, “better never than late.”
A-fucking-men. I’ve been a passionate democrat & moderate liberal for the last decade and a half but even I am really fucking over hearing about what an enemy I, as an evil white woman, am to our nation. Fuck this dumbass site and its white women writers who are trying to see who can be more woke.
No way, it appears that only half of it shredded, leaving the other half intact in the frame. It would be an absolute crime to restore and reframe it. It should be displayed as is.
Now’s a great time shop at Uniqlo with free shipping all weekend, no minimums required. On top of that they’ve got…
“Ronan Farrow has a new article” is this generation’s “Omar comin’.”
Meet Virginia is not bad.
The “British Empire” doesn’t mean what it used to which is why hundreds of people who have simply done exceptional work in their communities all over the world happily accept these honors every year like they do other community service awards and honors. They also often bring much needed publicity (=€£$+ new members)…