
LOL! Yes his message was excellent. But I think many of the British were thinking, “Woah buddy, we’re not actually that religious over here...”

I always think of Episcopal preaching as formal Catholic lite. This was almost Southern Baptist in feel.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Fair take (I’m a lawyer). There is surely a small army of #MAGA lawyers out there who would love to do this and many of them have probably reached out offering their help.

They’re certainly an impressive bunch. I’ve spent the better part of three decades protesting, organizing, and generally making a nuisance of myself on a range of causes, but these kids make me and my peers look like complete fucking amateurs.

Former Navy officer here. Naval Academy graduate. Navy sniper, trained by the Marines at Quantico, VA. My weapon of choice was the M40A3.

Her negatives? What, that she dared support Hillary?

That’s exactly what I thought as well; especially the last group of photos. I love everything about the looks from that evening. The camel-colored trench/red dress combo is ridiculously gorgeous. I love it so much. If I tried something like that I’d just end up looking like a better-dressed-than-usual Inspector Gadget.

I am SO PISSED that those stupid ass shoes have been resurrected from the trash bin of the 90s/early aughts. That specific combination - a relatively thin toe strip, a high heel, and a thin ankle strap - looks nice when you’re standing in place, but the second you begin to move, your feet slide forward because there’s

“‘We are very optimistic that the case is going to come out the way it should, which is that the Controlled Substances Act is going to be found unconstitutional,’ Hiller told the magazine.”

*if* this is really, truly a wake up call to all the sane but apathetic voters out there, if they turn out and continue to turn out in such overwhelming numbers that it overcomes the institutional biases that the GOP has set up in their favor, if no Republican ever gets more than 20% (aka the moron floor) of the vote

Today’s Code 45* finds that the very idea that the US will somehow become “great again”, or even a slightly better place, under 45*’s bizarre reign is the ultimate in construction of false reality. For someone so obsessed with “fake news” and making accusations of contrived negative coverage of his fuckery, one can

I remember my last weird af sexual encounter. It was on a third date, and I’d gone to the guy’s house after dinner with the excuse of smoking pot, which he did on a daily basis, and I never do.

This whole comments section is a shit show. Jez is fucking terrible now.

“well, no means no, plus you have to physically leave the space for them to respect that, otherwise I think it’s just awkward sex.”

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

I don’t care at all about football, but I support this wholeheartedly if he promises to change the team’s name every few years.

8/10 trolling. I’m deducting some marks because you spelled too many words correctly and there was a shocking lack of caps. You almost nailed it though!

I should be cheering this—I agree with the high road and doing the right thing. In principle. But from what I can tell, taking the high road all the time just gives us a better view to watch the GOP run roughshod over our laws and citizens because they’re more invested in getting what than want than keeping their