
What end does this serve? I mean If every democrat resigns in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations and every republican moves forward, we’re set to lose control of the entire government. What is the point of this? To say we did the right thing while simultaneously giving unchecked power to those who would do the

Absolutely no punishment came down for any of the numerous allegations of sexual abuse and assault

Gonna catch hell, but here it goes:

She kept quiet because she chose to do so, millions of women around the world have no voice to speak out or fight injustices.

I didn’t think he needed to GTFO last week, now I’m a more attuned to the idea. What really needs to stop is the idea that there’s no point in discussion, that this one way is the only right way to approach this. That’s going to kill us more than anything else. Can we all just fucking admit we don’t have the answer?

I won’t make any excuses for him, but I also don’t think every offense requires resignation as the only possible punishment. Have the Senate censure him so that he has a public black mark for eternity, let him do acts of contrition, and then let the voters of Minnesota decide next election cycle if they want him or

I am still not positive that this isn’t Iggy.

Step down? For this??????? Are you high?

Bingo. One completely unsubstantiated allegation, and one picture clearly meant as a (tasteless) joke where you can’t even be sure there was any sort of contact. Franken responds immediately with an apology, which of course isn’t accepted in these circles because no apology is ever good enough. Now they’re jumping all

You really think this is so egregious that he needs to resign over it? I’m sorry I just don’t agree.

If you can’t hold your own in a fight with a retired anesthesiologist, I don’t think “liberty” can take much comfort from having you in its corner.

Yinz > Y’all

Seconded. There are a lot of former and current Pittsburghers around these parts.

You should try “yinz” on for size.

HOLY SHIT ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Dear God, that thing is terrifying to even look at!!!!! If that thing and the rest of his crab crew come up to me on the beach they can rip me apart and eat me, no problem - I’m dead of a fucking heart attack anyway. JESUS!!!!

But...”y’all” is awesome. Gender neutral, universally applicable, and hearing it or not lets you know how likely an establishment is to have good sweet tea. Come to the dark side!

For good reason. Girl Scouts USA has been VASTLY more progressive than Boy Scouts on all accounts. The very fact it even exists is because Juliette Gordon Lowe wouldn’t take shit from Boy Scouts.

Wow. Every troop is only as good as its leaders, and most of the leaders are well removed from any backwards thinking from the “powers that be.” I’m a progressive liberal and I have nothing but praise and admiration for the way the adult leaders run my son’s troop. There is no racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-lgtbq

I was a kid in the 80s and Girl Scouts was the only time in my life that I saw and was encouraged to emulate women in leadership roles. Girl Scouts are girls and women. There is no one to talk over us, mansplain to us, or condescend to us. That is INCREDIBLY valuable and the reason my daughter is a Girl Scout and will

Boys do need some kind of place to have positive masculinity modeled for them. Otherwise we get the scourge of toxic masculinity we’re dealing with today. I don’t like girls being left out either, but boys need support networks too.