
Why not have the software add 1 second per attempt before allowing another try? A human wouldn't notice but try 10,000 times or more and it becomes not worth it to try and crack. Poison the well in other words.

Bitterman! Table for one!

Wah! Moving on...

A bunch of the developers left OO to form LO after Oracle acquired Sun, 'cause they is so great. LO is the hotter girlfriend you left OO for.

I'll raise my beer and toast to Aquavelvashuad! Here's to a cold launch day with bad O-rings!

Ounce for ounce hummingbirds are like angry teenagers hopped up on pounds of sugar. I like the little screech them make when you piss them off.

No one mentioned the thing that will cause me to gouge out my ears with knitting needles. Jar Jar's back story. I just wished I could back in time and run over Lucas with my car after Episode 4

Probably had the standard Apple contract clause that Steve Jobs rides the company CEO naked with a little saddle on his back while being pelted with dirty money, then Steve up and died so the new guy is a real step down.

Mat's parents changed his shitty pants and wiped his slimy ass nose boogeys and I'm sure that was their dream and yet they managed to raise a god among men.

I concur with the scam with use it or lose it AND having SHPS in particular, they can BITE my FAT ASS. The scam with SHPS is they always need more information on every transaction. "What's this $30 for at a "doctor's" office and $15 at the "pharmacy?" Who knows???! It's a complete mystery to SHPS who ask me to fill

I like my Joyce Chen 8" kitchen knife. It not only will destroy a frozen turkey, brandishing it at mouthy relatives will shut someone up real quick.

Fiskars make great scissors I've used them in the industry I used to work in. The knives look nice and are CHEAP compared to insane prices people pay to chop up some food. Do you have the rollsharp sharpener and how does it work?

This software is way better and CHEAP for what it does.

I think a crossbow is better as a quiet standoff weapon. Couple of these will leave your zombie whistling like a pop bottle in the wind.

The pilot meant to push the surrender button which is right next to the fire button. BAA-ZING!

Jar Jar?, Darth Maul (badass lasts less than 5 minutes) and the stupid pod race (See Ben Hur Lucas is a HACK). Lucas is proof you can whore yourself but you can't polish a turd even in 3D with Smell-O-Vision!

Yes, hit up your friends that have paid for a membership then get them to buy you gift cards. Anything else your "friends" can do for you? Sack your stuff? Carry it to your car? Just buy the stuff on your list so you can sleep in?

The OK button was ME!

Grind up all the fat people and people I don't like (Lohan, Spears, Crazy Jo Biden) smear them like jam on the North Pole ice cap while simultaneously requiring the everyone on Earth to eat the person to the left of them whilest wearing tinfoil underwear. Pretty much solves global warming, but I don't have to tell you

See any problems? Having hippies smoke dope and parent kids causes no problems at all. Except maybe naming your ass kid Fremon.